论文编号:DQ238 论文字数:15395,页数:36
数据库系统作为信息系统中的基础软件,其安全性问题十分重要。目前国内的数据库系统基本采用国外产品,必须确保对其进行安全利用和有效监控。本文在对数据库系统安全相关理论和技术进行探讨的基础上,基于安全性增强的思想,对SQL Server 2000数据库的应用系统的安全增强进行了研究和探讨。
本论文主要研究了目前信息安全的研究与发展以及数据库安全的现状;多角度地分析了数据库系统的安全性威胁和数据库安全性的基本要求。以SQL Server数据库为实例,对SQL Server数据库基于角色的权限管理,访问控制,审计监控、增量备份和数据恢复等关键性技术进行了深入研究。 主要基于SQL Server数据库系统,对数据库存储及传输加密、用户口令认证,安全审计机制等给出了技术实现,并通过存储过程、函数和程序包的方法对现有的数据库系统安全功能加以改进。在Visual C++和SQL Server 2000数据库的开发环境下,实现数据库的异地自动备份和恢复功能。
关键词:数据库、 VC、 安全性、备份、 恢复
Abstract:Along with the database technology development,the scale of Database become larger and larger. Their functions are increasingly powerful. Internet technology is developing at full speed,Enterprise information and data was also rapid growth. Therefore improve data security and data recovery capability has been the focus of attention. Achieving a safe, convenient, automatic, economic system of backup and recovery demonstrates very practical value.
As foundation software of information system, it is significant for its security. Now most database systems use foreign product in our country. It should be solved how to ensure secure use and audit effectively. Based on a plenty of papers, technology reports and dissertations, this dissertations make some research work on the field of secure theory and technology and study on secure enhancement based on SQL Server database system.
The dissertation mainly studies in the current information security and the database security status. The characteristics and fundamental requirement of database security issues are proposed. For SQL Server database, the aspects of privilege admin based on roles, the granularity access control, audit and backup and restore technology are discussed. Based on SQL Server database, database storage and transmit authentication, users password authentication, secure audit are realized. Database security functions improve by procedure, function and program packages. In Visual C + + and SQL server 2000 database development environment, accomplish database automatic backup and recovery functions.
Keywords: Database、VC、Security、Copy、Restoration