论文编号:ZD1085 论文字数:12719,页数:45
摘 要
关键词:单片机; 气动; 机械手
With the continuous progress of social production and people''s accelerating pace of life, people are continuing to set new efficiency requirements. Robot technology has to continuously improve the equipment of rapid development, especially,because o Pneumatic manipulator systems have a lot of virtues such as its easy media sources,its none pollution to the environment,low price, easy maintenance, and
safe systems and reliability,has infiltrated into the industrial sector various sectors, in industrial development occupies an important position. The graduation project is to study the three degrees of freedom based industrial robot control system. The paper briefly introduces the concept of robot development and application prospect. Manipulator described in detail the hardware design and software design. One section describes the hardware design of a mechanical hand and the principle of selection of the various components, including cylinder and use the principle, the principle and use stepper motor, MCU selection, etc. The paper also describe the overall theory of manipulator based on the MCU. The software section describes the use of handheld devices and procedures for design, which mainly describes the use of handheld devices and their corresponding robot action.
Key Words:MCU; Pneumatic; Manipulator
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
第一章 前 言 1
1.1本课题研究的目的与意义 1
1.2本课题的主要任务 1
第二章 机械手概述 2
2.1机械手的简介 2
2.1.1 机械手的定义 2
2.1.2 机械手的分类 2
2.2气动机械手的应用现状 3
2.3气动机械手的发展前景 3
第三章 机械手的硬件原理和选用 5
3.1控制系统的硬件及组成 5
3.2机械手驱动结构 6
3.2.1气缸 6
3.2.2气缸的工作原理 7
3.3步进电机 8
3.3.1步进电机概述 8
3.3.2步进电机原理 8
3.3.3 SD-2H044MA的步进电机驱动器 9
3.4 STC单片机的优点和选用 13
第四章 机械手主控板控制系统 14
4.1机械手主控板功能介绍及实用方法 14
4.2机械手的主控板各部分的连线图 15
第五章 机械手控制系统的软件设计 19
5.1机械手的控制要求 19
5.2STC芯片的串行通信程序 20
5.3 机械手的程序设计 23
总结 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
附录1 机械手单片机主控板的程序 27
附录2 机械手手柄控制器的程序 33