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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1422  论文字数:11636,页数:40

摘 要
 关 键 词:输电系统;可靠性;解析法
 Title: The Reliability of Transmission System
 With the elevation of power network voltage, the development of super-high voltage power network and the complexity of system structure, the department of  power  pays more attention to reliability of power system. Especially in the layout and design of power net, how to find the highest reliability project in existence, or to find the weakest segment of power network are very important. The department could spend the limited capital on the weakest segment to improve its reliability by using the modem theory of reliability.
 In this paper, reliability evaluation is discussed by the classical methods in power system: analysis. And the reliability equivalent model is investigated in detail. Based on the analysis of system running in norm and N-1 faults, the state analysis approach of the system is described. A power network’s reliability parameters are calculated to evaluate the reliability of the whole system.
 KEY WORDS: transmission system ; reliability ; analysis
TYPE OF THESIS: Theory research
 目  录
摘 要 V
1 绪论 1
1.1  电力系统可靠性研究的发展概况 1
1.2  输电网络可靠性研究的现状及方向 1
1.3  本文的研究意义及所做的工作 2
2  输电系统元件的可靠性模型 3
2.1  概述 3
2.2 元件可靠性的基本概念 3
2.2.1  元件故障分布函数 3
2.2.2  评价元件可靠性指标 4
2.2.3  元件状态的马尔科夫过程[8] 7
2.3  输电网络元件可靠性模型 8
2.3.1  变压器可靠性模型 8
2.3.2  输电线路模型 10
3  网络系统状态分析 11
3.1  故障后果分析法(FEA) 11
3.2  直流法计算网络的潮流 12
3.3  最大负荷供应能力(LSC) 15
3.4  规则 17
4  输电系统可靠性指标的计算 18
4.1  确定性指标 18
4.2  概率指标 18
4.3 计算流程和计算实例 20
4.3.1  计算流程 20
4.3.2  计算实例 20
结  论 27
致  谢 28
参 考 文 献 29
附录1- 31
附录2- 32
附录3- 34





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