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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD059     字数:20227,页数:45 


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摘  要


本课题结合现代教学和生产实践的需要,从教学方式的改变(从板书课堂向多媒体教学方向转变)和模拟调试系统带来的方便和调试可能性出发,利用多媒体方法开发一种集教学与实践性于一体的数控仿真软件,使以生动的动画形式将主轴进给系统演示给学生,使单调的数控机床课堂不再单调,使学生增强对数控加工过程和滚珠丝杠传动原理的认识,较快的掌握所学知识。此外,进一步通过学习西门子S7-200可编程控制器,对主轴的PLC程序控制进行设计,并采用AutoCAD 2000绘制。设计的主要任务包括:完成主轴和进给动作的仿真设计及软件设计,调试,了解主轴控制的数控PLC硬件设计。本设计主要是仿真立式数控铣床的加工过程。工作台左右运动为X轴运动方向。工作台底座带工作台前后运动为Y轴方向。Z向进给为主轴头的上下运动,并且Z向电动机是带制动器的,当断电时,Z向刹紧,以防主轴头因自重而下滑。


关键词 数控机床 S7-200系列可编程控制器 Authorware 6.5多媒体制作 数控

   仿真软件 机床的电气原理图







  This topic combines the modern teaching and the demand of the manufacture fulfillment, adjusting to try the convenience that the system bring and adjust to try the possibility to set out from change (change toward the multi-media teaching direction from the writing on the blackboard classroom) and emulations of the teaching method, make use of the multi-media method to develop a kind of numerical control emulating software which makes the teaching and fulfillments into a integral whole. That means we will show the students a vivid animation of the feed of the spindle. It makes the numerical control lather monotonous classroom no longer monotonous, make student to build up the understanding of logarithms control process and the transitional principle of the roll bead sink pole, make students learn it quicker. In addition, by means of learning the programmable controller of Siemens S7-200, finish the design of the PLC control procedure of the spindle, and adopt AutoCAD 2000 to draw the PLC diagram .The main mission of design are as follows: Complete imitation design and software design of the spindle feed, adjust again and again, understand the numerical control of the spindle and the PLC hardware design. This design mainly is to imitate the manufacture process of the sign numerical control miller. The table moving left and right for is X. The table base with the table back and forward is Y. The spindle head going up and down is the direction of Z axis feed. The Z motor takes with brake. when the power is cut off, the motor stops in order to prevent the spindle head fall down because of self-gravity.



Key wordsThe numerical control machine The programmable controller of series S7-200 Multimedia of manufacture using Authorware6.5 software Soft ware to imitate working procedure of the numerical control machine The electricity principle diagram of the tool machine

引言 ..............................................................1
第一章  数控机床的相关知识...................................... 2
1.1概述 ...........................................................2
1.2数控加工原理 ...................................................4
1.3数控铣床的特点 .................................................4
第二章  数控铣床机床结构 ........................................5
2.1数控铣床分类 ...................................................5
2.2数控铣床的机械结构 .............................................6
2.3伺服系统的组成及分类 ...........................................9
2.5数控铣床及加工中心操作流程 ....................................12
2.6常用数控机床的种类 ............................................13
第三章  数控机床的可编程控制器 .................................15
3.1可编程控制器(PLC)在数控机床中的应用........................... 15
3.2 PLC的基本工作原理............................................ 16
3.3PLC在数控机床上的应用实例..................................... 18
3.4PLC在数控机床中的应用举例..................................... 19
3.5实例程序的结构说明 ............................................20
第四章  机床电气线路原理图分析................................. 32
4.1机床电气线路原理概述 ..........................................32
4.2机床电气原理图分析............................................ 32
第五章 有关Authorware6.5软件的基本知识........................ 38
5.1Authorware概述................................................ 38
5.2仿真设计及分析................................................ 39
谢  辞......................................................... 41
结束语 ...........................................................42
参考文献 .........................................................43





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