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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ057  论文字数:14319,页数:36 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

 单片机又称微控制器,即MCU,是Microcontroller Unit的英文缩写。PIC系列单片机是美国微芯科技公司(MIicrochip公司)的微控制器产品。本次设计的CPU的采用PIC16F877。


 In this design in the design of watches and clocks, watches and clocks, not only has the general function, it can achieve a number of additional functions: temperature measurement, year, month, day, week.
 The design can be divided into hardware and software circuit design to achieve two major parts. Hardware circuit design uses modular design: the central processing circuit, the clock circuit, the three most temperature measurement circuit; software used C programming language, designed with functional module division, including: the main program that process, temperature measurement procedures, the clock procedutes.
 SCM also known as micro-controllers, that is, MCU, a Microcontroller Unit of the initials. PIC MCU is a micro-core technology companies in the United States (MIicrochip) of the microcontroller products. The design of the CPU used PIC16F877.
 In the main function of the time relying on the chip DS1302 time to complete the majority of functionality. Its main feature is a serial data transmission, power-down protection for the provision of programmable power charging capabilities, and can close charging function. Using ordinary 32.768 kHz crystal.In this chip to achieve a fully functional time to meet the requirements of circuit.

Key words: single chip microcomputer  Clock Chip  Temperature Sensor

摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
2  PIC单片机在设计中的应用 3
2.1  PIC16F877A单片机功能简介 3
2.2 外围功能模块特性 3
2.3 外部引脚说明 4
2.3.1 主电源引脚 4
2.3.2 外接晶体引脚 4
2.3.3 输入/输出引脚 4
2.4 存储器概述 6
2.4.1 程序存储器 6
2.4.2 数据存储器 7
2.5  PIC16F877A单片机的中断 8
2.5.1 中断源的分类 8
2.5.2 中断的使能方式 9
3 方案设计 10
3.1 电路框图 10
3.1.1 时钟模块 10
3.1.2 DS1302的电路原理图 14
3.2 温度模块 15
3.2.1  DS18B20的电路原理图 17
3.3 显示模块 18
3.4 按键模块 24
4. 程序设计 25
4.1 主程序流程图 25
4.1.1 中断程序流程图: 26
5  结  论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附录 30
附件1  DS1302子程序 30
附件2  DS18B20子程序 34
附录3  总电路图 36

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