论文编号:DQ159 论文字数:9368,页数:30
摘 要
利用弹簧的拉力作用做成的卷线装置在我们日常生活中较为常见,如牵狗绳、吸尘器卷线装置等等。弹簧拉力关系到这些产品的性能和质量,需要进行检测。论文讨论了弹簧检测的原理,设计了弹簧拉力测试硬件系统。设计出基于松下(Fp∑-c32)PLC、Proface触摸屏(GP37W2), 力传感器FAB-80、放大器、AD转换器、步进电机构成的弹簧拉力测试系统。通过触摸屏的操作可进行参数设置,实现对各种功能的控制,同时还能通过触摸屏显示测试结果和对系统当前运行状态进行实时的监控。
关键词: 弹簧拉力,PLC,触摸屏,步进电机
Abstract The role of the use of spring tension device volumes made in our lives, the more common, such as a dog lead rope, cleaners, etc. device volumes. Spring tension related to the products performance and quality, the need for testing. Paper discussed the principle of detecting spring, spring tension is designed to test the hardware system. Designed based on the Panasonic (FpΣ-c32) PLC, Proface touch screen (GP37W2), force sensors FAB-80, amplifiers, AD converters, consisting of stepper motor test system spring tension. Operation through the touch-screen parameters can be set up to achieve the control of various functions, but also through the touch screen display the test results and the status of currently running on the system for real-time monitoring.
Key words: spring tension, PLC, touch screen, step motor
目 录
摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………………… I
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ
前 言 …………………………………………………………………………………… 1
课题的目的和意义………………………………………………………………… 1
弹簧测试的现状及发展趋势……………………………………………………… 1
系统总体设计方案 …………………………………………………………………… 4
系统硬件设计 ………………………………………………………………………… 7
电动机选择………………………………………………………………………… 7
放大器设计………………………………………………………………………… 9
OP07应用简介……………………………………………………………… 9
OP07管脚介绍……………………………………………………… 9
传感器选择……………………………………………………………………… 11
步进电机驱动器………………………………………………………………… 14
3.4.1 HB202M特点……………………………………………………………… 14
3.4.2 硬件连接…………………………………………………………………… 15
3.4.3 安装尺寸………………………………………………………………… 15
A/D转换单元 ………………………………………………………………………16
3.6.2 FP∑-C32的特点……………………………………………………………19
3.6.3 FP∑-c32硬件介绍……………………………………………………………20
3.6.4 FP∑-c32输入输出端子的电路连接…………………………………………22
触摸屏 …………………………………………………………………………… 22
3.7.1 触摸屏的工作原理及类型……………………………………………………22
3.7.2 触摸屏接线……………………………………………………………………23
结束语 ……………………………………………………………………………………24
致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………………25
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………26