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论文编号:DQ255   论文字数:19302,页数:62  附外文翻译

关键词 水轮发电机;电磁设计;性能对比

The Electromagnetic Design Calculation of Tianshengqiao Hydro generator
 With the application of large-scale hydro generator increasing more and more widely, the study on them are more and more deeply in many countries, the optimization of the hydro generator is also more and more important. The optimization of the hydro generator is actually equal to the optimization of its electromagnetic program. Electromagnetic Optimization of Hydro generator can not only improve the efficiency of the motor, but can also reduce costs, intense competition among the enterprises and energy shortage today of these is particularly important.. The main contents of this dissertation is electromagnetic design of Tianshengqiao hydro generator, and then by changing the generator air gap length, stator inner diameter,outer diameter , core length, load and other parameters to observe the electromagnetic parameters, excitation volume parameter loss, material losses, efficiency, the voltage regulation, temperature and other factors change. The significance of the results of this study lies in the fact that parameters can be adjusted for a number of different programs to contrast and analyze advantages and disadvantages of these changes’ influence on these programs. It is useful to help the work of improving or maximizing the performance of a large generator. Besides, it is a better reference in the parameters selection during the preliminary design of the hydro generator, so that the large hydro generator can maximize effectiveness in practical applications. This can provide important reference for the generator design.

Keywords  hydro generator; electromagnetic design; function contrast
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 天生桥水电站概述 1
1.2 课题研究目的 2
1.3 课题研究的意义 2
1.4 课题内容 2
1.5 课题综述 3
1.6 本章小结 3
第2章 电磁计算的基本原理、方法及其步骤 4
2.1 定子绕组、磁路尺寸及阻尼绕组的选择 4
2.1.1 水轮机所给额定值 4
2.2 定子绕组的确定 4
2.3 磁路尺寸 9
2.4 空载特性计算 12
2.4.1 极身根部磁通的确定 12
2.4.2 空气隙的磁势 12
2.4.3 转子轭与磁极接缝处之磁势 12
2.5 参数及时间常数 12
2.6 阻尼绕组及励磁绕组尺寸的确定 13
2.6.1 阻尼条节距 13
2.6.2 阻尼环尺寸的确定 13
2.6.3 阻尼直径的确定 14
2.7 同步电抗的确定 14
2.8 电机损耗 14
2.9 电机效率 16
2.10 同步发电机的运行特性 16
2.11 同步发电机的磁场和功率、转矩方程及运行特性 17
2.11.1 空载和负载时同步发电机的磁场 17
2.11.2 电磁设计步骤 17
2.12 本章小结 18
第3章 电磁方案计算 19
3.1 基本数据 19
3.1.1 额定数据 19
3.1.2 定子绕组数据 19
3.1.3 励磁绕组及阻尼绕组数据 21
3.2 空载磁势计算 22
3.2.1 磁路尺寸 22
3.2.2 空载特性计算 24
3.3 电抗和时间常数的计算 28
3.4 负载磁势计算 32
3.4.1 短路和额定千伏安cosφ=0时磁势的计算 32
3.5 励磁数据 34
3.6 损耗和效率 35
3.7 温升计算 38
3.7.1 定子温升计算 38
3.7.2 转子温升计算 40
3.8 经济指标 41
3.9 本章小结 42
第4章 计算结果及分析 43
4.1 计算方案 43
4.2 方案对比分析 43
4.3 各方案对比分析总结 51
4.4 本章小结 53
结论 54
致谢 55
参考文献 56

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