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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ094   论文字数:21192,页数:57

摘 要
 对于温室的监测系统,温湿度环境条件是重要的。本课题针对温室大棚内温、湿度实时测量进行设计。采用DHT90专用芯片作为温、湿度传感器,通过其内部信号处理与模数转换,将输出数据送入AT89C52单片机进行数据处理与显示。论文分析了DHT90的工作原理,设计了完善的温、湿度实时测量系统。硬件设计采用Proteus 7 Professional工具,软件设计采用Keil uVision2版本c语言编程。

关键字  温度测量;湿度测量;预值报警;时钟显示

With the modern industrial production and electronic technology becoming closer than ever before, temperature measuring and humidity measuring have been widely used in many industry applications. Monitoring temperature and humidity can help to ensure the safety of work house, enhance labor efficiency and also has a great practical value in improving the producing environment. Monitoring system for the Greenhouse storage, environmental conditions of the temperature and humidity is important. The design was mainly for the measuring of temperature and humidity inside the Greenhouse. DHT90 was chosen as a temperature and humidity sensor. After series of internal signal processing and analog-to-digital conversion, digital DATA were sent into AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer for the calculation and finally displayed on a monitor. This study analyzed the operational principle of DHT90, design the perfect system for measuring temperature and humidity in real-time. Took Proteus 7 Professional as a tool to design hardware, and utilized Keil uVision2 Version to design the software in the form of C language. When the design has been accomplished, system was able to perform stably and output reliable DATA, and had some extra functions like voice &LED alarm and time display.
Keywords  Temperature measuring;Humidity measuring;predefined warning gate;time display


摘 要 II
Abstract III
1  前言 1
1.1  选题的背景与意义 1
1.2  温室测控技术的发展状况和趋势 1
2  系统的研究与设计 2
2.1  研究内容 2
2.2  总体方案 2
2.3  硬件系统设计 2
2.4  温湿度采样系统 4
2.5 系统仿真 5
 2.5.1系统仿真图 5
2.5.2  主要组件简介 5
3  软件系统设计 7
3.1 系统初始化模块 7
3.2 键盘显示模块 8
3.3 数据采集模块 9
3.4  温湿度控制模块 10
3.5  报警模块 10
4  系统调试方案 11
4.1 系统电路的调试 11
4.2  功能模块的调试方案 11
5总 结 12
致  谢 13
参考文献 14
附录 15

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