论文编号:ZD1156 论文字数:16174,页数:34 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
短距离无线通讯的范围很广,在一般意义上,只要通讯收发双方通过无线电波传输信息,并且传输距离限制在较短的范围内,通常是几十米以内,就可以称为短距离无线通讯。通信频率为2.4 GHz的频段是全球开放的ISM(工业、科学和医学)频段,使用者无需申请许可证,给用户带来了很大方便。
首先,介绍了短距离无线通讯的特征,发展和主流技术,并详细的介绍了本系统中应用的nRF24E1快速开发系统。然后,给出了利用Visual Basic编写的上位机程序的方法及步骤,并针对一些关键步骤和难点给出了实现方法,提供了一些调试和配置方法,以及作者在调试过程中总结的一些经验教训。最后,提供了遥控部分单片机参考程序。
The application of wireless communications in the smartcar control system
Short-distance wireless communication have a wide range, in general sense, as long as both send and receive communications by radio waves to transmit information, and transmission distance is limited in a shorter range, usually less than tens of meters, can be called short-range wireless communications . The 2.4 GHz frequency band is global opening band for the ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) , the user need not apply for permits. To users ,this has brought great convenience.
This article does a detailed study on the application of wireless communications in the smart car control system, described in detail the design and debugging for the system of real-time monitoring and control for the smartcar’s parameters which use nRF24E1 rapid development.
First of all, described the short-distance wireless communication’s features, development and mainstream technology, and a detailed introduction of the nRF24E1 rapid development system used in this system . Then, given the methods and steps for Visual Basic code and provide a number of debugging and configuration methods against some of the key steps and difficulty, and the author ’s lessons in design and debugging. And finally, provide reference code of control by wireless .
Keywords: Smartcar; short-distance wireless communication; nRF24E1;
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1智能赛车无线通讯的研究背景 1
1.2系统的构成: 1
1.3短距离无线通讯 2
1.4 nRF24E1快速开发系统简介 3
1.5相关工作 5
1.5.1数据协议的制定: 5
1.6本文内容 6
2.上位机程序设计 7
2.1编程语言的选择 7
2.2数据库的选择与设计 7
2.3串口通信的研究与实现 7
2.4.窗体设计 10
2.5 上位机程序的调试 20
3.单片机程序设计 22
3.1遥控部分: 22
3.2单片机程序的调试 23
结论 24
参考文献 25
附录A 智能车硬件连接参考 26
附录B 遥控部分单片机程序 27
致谢 30