论文编号:DQ274 论文字数:19779,页数:55
摘 要
关键词: 无线信道 衰落 仿真
Wireless Channel Simulation
After the signal is sent from the transmitter, it will reach the receiver through the specific paths that are named channel. If the radio signal is sent, the paths which will pass through are named radio channel.
For a new mobile communication system’s emerging, the performance on the radio fading channel will be evaluated. So some channel models should be specified by the specific wireless communication system standard. These channel models are the base of performance evaluation and comparison. At present, some radio channel models are constructed according to the field measurement and stochastic process theory by the academic community, for examples, large scale fading model, small scale fading model and MIMO channel model for MIMO system. Some standard associates, e.g. ITU, also specify some channel models as the base for evaluation of mobile communication system. The exist channel models are the foundation of the thesis.
In the thesis, principle and features of radio channel are studied. Small large scale fading models are simulation with Matlab, and the results are also discussed.
Keywords: Wireless channel Fading Simulation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题的提出及意义 1
1.3 研究内容 1
1.4 本文的结构 2
2 无线信道 3
2.1 无线信道的类型 3
2.1.1 小尺度传播模型( Small Scale Propagation Model ) 3
2.1.2 大尺度传播模型(Large Scale Propagation Model ) 4
2.2 自由空间无线电波传播 5
2.3 无线电波传播特点 6
2.4 无线电波传播特性 8
2.4.1 小尺度衰落 8
2.4.2 大尺度衰落 15
2.4.3 衰落特性 15
3 小尺度传播模型 17
3.1 平坦衰落信道 17
3.1.1 Jakes仿真的方法 18
3.1.2 滤波器法 23
3.2 频率选择性信道(多径信道) 26
3.3 移动通信标准中使用的无线信道模型 29
4 大尺度传播模型 33
4.1 Okumura-Hata模型 33
4.2 COST231 Walfisch-Ikegami模型 37
4.3 模型之间的比较 39
5 总 结 41
参考文献 43
附 录 44
谢 辞 50