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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:DQ342   论文字数:10417,页数:31


关键词  液压系统  稳定性  设计及计算 

Hydraulic system is powered motor basis,the use of hydraulic pump will translate into pressure on the mechanical energy, promote the hydraulic oil.Through various control valves to change the flow of hydraulic oil, thus promoting the hydraulic cylinders made of different itinerary,the movements in different directions.All kinds of different equipment to complete the actions required.This paper introduced the craftwork calculation and the main technical features of the machine hydraulic system.The small high -pressure flow gear pumps and the high-pressure large flux and variable pump used by the supplied oil circuit can effectively improved the efficiency of the production equipment;the designed timing loop held a high control accuracy and response speed;the pressure-balanced valve used by the pressure loop could effectively solve the balance stability question of the erect dynamical head which was declined rapidly. The excellent design and manufacture capability could satisfy the production demand for high efficiency and robotization of users automated production efficiency.

Keywords  hydraulic system  control system  design and calculate
 目  录
1  引言 1
1.1  研究意义 1
1.2  国内外研究现状 2
1.3  主要研究内容 3
2  液压系统组成与特点 5
2.1  液压系统组成 5
2.2  液压系统特点 5
3  系统分析 7
3.1  负载分析 7
3.2  运动分析 8
4  液压缸参数确定 9
4.1  液压缸工作压力 9
4.2  液压缸尺寸 9
4.3  液压缸参数计算值 9
4.4  液压缸工况图 10
5  液压缸系统图 12
5.1  液压回路 12
5.1.1液压回路组成 12
5.1.2液压回路特点 14
5.2  液压系统合成 15
6  液压元件选择 18
6.1  液压泵和电机 18
6.2  控制元件 18
7  液压系统性能测试 21
7.1  回路压力测试 21
7.2  液压泵压力测试 23
7.3  液压泵温度测试 24
7.4  液压泵的噪音 25
结  论 26
致  谢 27
参 考 文 献 28

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