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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ306   论文字数:16189,页数:38

摘  要
 The thesis mainly introduced the design of a system, which can be used to detect and depict the electrocardiogram (ECG). The system comprises three pacts: the detecting of ECG, A/D converter and LCD display. The source of electrocardiogram is in the performance of high resistance, small magnitude and low frequency, due to which the amplificatory circuit, low-pass filter are used to amplify the signal and attenuate the bandwidth; Also the Driven-Right-Leg Circuit and the Driven Cable technique are used to attenuate the common-mode disturbance. After the process of what mentioned above, the microprocessor can convert and display the ECG. In this design, AD620 is the core device of the amplification; MSP430 is used as microprocessor; RT12864M is used for the display of ECG.
Key words: Electrocardiogram  Double-stage amplify  Driven-Right-Leg Circuit  MSP430
 目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1  绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
 1.2心电信号简介 1
 1.2.1心电及其记录方法的早期研究 1
 1.2.2心电的产生机理 3
 1.2.3心电信号的电特点 5
 1.2.4心电信号的临床应用 5
2总体设计 7
 2.1系统基本设计思想 7
 2.2系统的工作原理及组成 7
 2.2.1生物电测量电极 7
 2.2.2体表心电图导联 7
 2.2.3 前置放大器的设计要求 8
 2.2.4系统软件功能 9
3系统模拟部分 11
 3.1前置放大电路 11
 3.2 50HZ工频抑制电路 13
 3.2.1工频干扰原理分析 13
 3.2.2解决途径之―右腿驱动电路 14
 3.2.3解决途径之二-电缆屏蔽驱动电路 16
 3.3滤波电路的设计 17
 3.4二级放大电路 20
4系统数字部分 22
 4.1单片机的选择 22
 4.2 A/D转换部分 23
 4.3 LCD显示部分 24
 4.3.1液晶与显示 25
 4.3.2 LCD与MSP430的硬件接口 26
 4.3.3 MSP430F449资源使用 27
5测试部分 29
6总结和讨论 30
致  谢 31
参考文献 32
附 录 34
 附录1 原理图: 34
 附录2 元件清单: 35

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