论文编号:DQ316 论文字数:12738,页数:38
关键词:Labview NI ELVIS
Labview is an industry-leading industry-standard graphical programming tools, mainly used for the development of test, measurement and control systems. It is specifically for engineers and scientists designed intuitive graphical programming language. It will software and a variety of measuring instruments and computer hardware integrated with the establishment of virtual instrument systems, in order to create custom solutions. After 20 years of evolution and improvement in the PC-based measurement automation, LABVIEW established its dominant position and become the de facto standard for the industry, but also to the traditional teaching and research have brought tremendous changes. A computer-based automation laboratory researchers can greatly increase the work efficiency and improve student learning methods. Use NI virtual instrumentation, data acquisition ever complicated the work is easier than ever, teachers and students can focus time and energy used in the experiment of the implementation, data analysis and conclusions of the summary, and do not have to be a lot of time spent in Experimental system equipment in the structures. Overseas, the virtual instrument technology will be widely popular national science and engineering faculties of the university campus.
This study included a total of seven experiments.
Key word: Labview NI ELVIS
前言 1
实验一 LabVIEW编程环境与基本操作 2
练习一 创建一个VI 2
实验二 程序结构(一) 5
练习一 使用顺序结构 5
练习二 使用For循环 8
练习三 使用移位寄存器 9
实验三 程序结构(二) 11
练习一 使用While循环和图表 11
练习二 使用 Case结构 13
练习三 使用公式节点 15
实验四 字符串 数组 簇 16
练习一 组合字符串 16
练习二 字符串子集和数值的提取 17
练习三 创建一个自动索引的数组 18
练习四 簇 21
实验五 图形显示和文件I/O 22
练习一 Chart和Graph的比较 23
练习二 将数据写入电子表格文件 24
实验六 NI EVLIS工作环境 25
练习一 测量元件值 26
练习二 测量一个分压器电路的电压值 28
练习三 使用万用数字表测量电流 28
练习四 测量RC电路中电容的电压值 29
练习五 观察RC电路的电压变化 30
实验七 数字式温度计 33
练习一 测量电阻元件值 33
练习二 选择可变功率供应器 34
练习三 热敏电阻电路的数据采集操作 35
练习四 标定热敏电阻 36
练习五 建立NI ELVIS虚拟数字温度计 36
致谢 38
参考文献 38