论文编号:ZD1309 论文字数:15022,页数:42 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述
关键词: 异步电机 变频调速 MATLAB Simulink
Asynchronous Motor and Variable Frequency Speed Regulation System Characteristic Simulation
Abstract: This article for ac asynchronous motor speed made a review introduction, first introduced the ac asynchronous motor speed technology development status, then analyzes the variable frequency speed regulation, finally, it introduces the principle of asynchronous motor speed of several technology. For example: sine pulse width modulation technology (SPWM), Make the frequency conversion technology to realize the popularization. In the variable pressure variable frequency speed regulation system, should meanwhile adjust the speed of the stator voltage and frequency of the power supply, in this case, the basic characteristics of parallel machine movement, slip the same. Using the technology of the frequency converter performance of SPWM more perfect, can get the more widely.
The simulation can operate method have DuoZhong, like MATLAB, Simulink is MATLAB a add-on component, can be used to simulate the linear or nonlinear discrete or continuous, or a combination of the hybrid system, and through a set of graphic animation processing method of users convenient observed the simulation of the entire process. This paper, by using Simulink module base in a variable frequency speed asynchronous motor model.
Keywords:Asynchronous motor ; Variable frequency speed regulation ;MATLAB;Simulink
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 变频调速技术的发展 2
1.2.1 电力电子器件的发展 2
1.2.2 变频调速技术的发展和意义 2
1.2 本文所做的主要工作 3
第2章 异步电动机及其调速方法 4
2.1 异步电动机概述 4
2.1.1 鼠笼异步电动机基本结构 4
2.1.2 异步电动机的旋转原理 5
2.1.3 异步电动机电路的等效变换 6
2.2 异步电动机的调速方法 6
2.2.1 改变电动机的极对数调速 7
2.2.2 改变转差率调速 7
2.2.3 改变供电电源的频率调速 7
2.2.4 三种调速方法的比较 8
2.3 小 结 8
第3章 异步电机变频调速原理 9
3.1 异步电动机的变压变频调速原理 9
3.1.1 变频调速的基本要求 9
3.1.2 基频以下调速 11
3.1.3 基频以上调速 11
3.2 异步电动机变压变频的机械特性分析 12
3.2.1 基频以下变频调速的机械特性 12
3.2.2 向基频以上变频调速的机械特性 14
3.3 变频器及SPWM技术的发展 15
3.3.1 变频器的原理及基本构成 16
3.3.2 SPWM控制技术概述 17
3.3.3 SPWM控制技术的原理 18
3.4 小 结 20
第4章 变频调速系统的建模仿真 21
4.1 变频调速系统的构成 21
4.2 变频调速系统的建模 21
4.3 仿真结果分析 29
4.4 小 结 32
结束语 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35
附录 电路总图 36