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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ228   论文字数:19608,页数:34

摘要:众所周知, 电导测量在工业生产和科学实验中有着十分重要的意义。电导仪是测定溶液导电度大小的仪器,由于其方法简单、速度快、准确度高而广泛运用于火电、化工化肥、冶金、制药、环保等行业以及其它精密测试分析中。电导法也是水质鉴定和监测的重要手段,它是通过测量水溶液的电导值,并根据溶液的电导与溶液中待测离子的浓度之间的定量关系来确定待测离子的含量的。
Abstract:As we all know, conductivity measurement in industrial production and scientific experiments is of great significance. Conductance NG is the solution conductivity of the size of machines, because of their method is simple, fast and high accuracy and wide application of thermal power, chemical fertilizer, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, environmental protection and other industries, as well as other sophisticated test analysis. Conductivity is the water quality monitoring and identification of important means, it is aqueous solution by measuring the conductivity values, and the solution according to the solution conductivity and the concentration of analyze ion the quantitative relationship between the analyze ions to determine the content.
 Conductance instrument is a very extensive application of the measurement apparatus. However, traditional instrument temperature conductivity, capacitance effects and polarization effect of the error caused the need for artificial compensation or the use of complex hardware circuit, causing inconvenience to the use of circuit complexity, the scope of a small correction.
 In this paper, in a lot of experiments, based on SCM application of the instrument, conductance pool will be seen as conductivity detection circuit of an input resistance. SCM using alternating signal output power as incentive detection circuit, the use of SCM control range of automatic switching, followed by digital full-wave rectifier, and take full advantage of the advantages of microcontroller devices. Detection Circuit will gain coefficient fine-tune and error compensation software to achieve maximum simplifies the hardware circuit, increase the LCD display module, the design and development of a smart conductivity monitor. The instrument has high measurement accuracy, automatic switching range, the conductivity value of direct reading, the advantages of simple operation.
Keywords:Conductance NG; Conductivity; SCM;Software Compensation ;Full-wave rectifier  

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