论文编号:ZD977 论文字数:13200,页数:41 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述
关键字 采样器;滤膜;恒流
With the growing social progress, people''s living environment gradually raise the level of attention to their own understanding of their environment and have increasingly high requirements, a single air sampling and dust samplers, and other products because of their performance and structural constraints And lead to gradually been eliminated by the community, people in urgent need of a compact, high performance, user-friendly comprehensive sampler. The design of the integrated flow of air sampler set of gas samples, dust samples and one is to facilitate the monitoring of professional staff, reduce its labor intensity of the development of a new generation of samplers. Advanced membrane flow sensors and microcomputer control combination. Flow of accurate, stable and flow of automatic tracking. Instantaneous, and the cumulative, standard traffic situation directly, readily available statistical sampling results. Power-down data protection, convenience store immediately to prevent data loss.
Keyword Sampling; membrane; constant current
摘要 - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
1 绪论 - 4 -
1.1采样器的结构要求 - 5 -
1.2 采样口抽气速度及精度要求 - 6 -
1.3 采样时间控制及计时要求 - 6 -
1.4 采样器其他技术要求 - 6 -
1.4.1 外观 - 6 -
1.4.2 其他 - 6 -
1.5 检测条件 - 7 -
2 中流量综合采样器的工作原理 - 7 -
2.1粉尘采样 - 7 -
2. 2 大气采样 - 10 -
2. 3 计算公式 - 12 -
3 中流量综合采样器的设计 - 12 -
3.1主控制芯片ATMEGA32 - 13 -
3.1.1 ATMEGA32的介绍及特性: - 13 -
3.1.2 ATMEGA32电路 - 15 -
3.1.3 ATMEGA32 AVR内核结构 - 16 -
3.1.4 ATMEGA32存储器 - 18 -
3.1.5 电源管理及睡眠模式 - 19 -
3.2 A/D采样芯片 MCP3204-CIP - 20 -
3.2.1 MCP3204的介绍及特性 - 20 -
3.2.2 MCP3204电路 - 22 -
3.2.3 MCP3204的简要操作过程 - 22 -
3.3时钟模块 PCF8583 - 24 -
3.3.1 PCF8583的介绍及特性 - 24 -
3.3.2 PCF8385电路 - 25 -
3. 4 EEPROM AT24C512 - 26 -
3.4.1 AT24C512的介绍及特性: - 26 -
3.4.2 AT24C512电路 - 27 -
3.5 RS-232接口芯片 MAX232 - 28 -
3.5.1 MAX232的介绍及主要特点 - 28 -
3.5.2 MAX232的连接电路 - 29 -
3.6 LED数码管显示电路 - 29 -
3.6.1 74HC595芯片 - 29 -
3.6.2 LED显示电路 - 30 -
3.7 过零点检测电路 - 31 -
4 系统软件设计 - 32 -
4.1 Atmega32主芯片程序 - 32 -
4.2 LED显示程序 - 36 -
致谢 - 38 -
参考文献: - 39 -