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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:DQ071    论文字数:14556,页数:35  附CAD图

摘   要
 关键词:住宅小区 、电气系统设计、 照明 、 配电箱

This thesis aims at the systematic design of the whole residence community. It contains electric equipment, Lightning protection, ground, integrated fire control device and video door-phone system. QingHuaFuDi residence community supply electricity system is designed. In this article, electric power supply system design, architectural lighting design, connector distribution, Lightning protection grounding and power grounding system, cable television system design, generic cabling system design phone system and video door-phone system design are described in detail.
This residence community electricity system design primarily include as follows:
 (1) low-voltage distribution system design, grade and is it require to supply power by load, load calculate and distribution equipment choose and circuit lay.
(2) Motive force and lighting engineering design, by intensity of illumination level, lighting quality , intensity of illumination calculate, power design and lighting engineering design .
(3) Lightning protection grounding and power grounding system
This design carries on the systematical design to that building according to the design norm strictly, its contents can well  appears to construct the special features of the electricity profession and tight sex of the profession.

Keywords: residence community electricity system, electrical system design, lighting, distribution box

目 录
摘要                                    I
1 绪论                                   . 1
 1.1住宅小区供电系统研究意义和目的 .. …………………………         . 1
 1.2国内外住宅小区供电技术的现状与发展趋势.…………………… ……     . . 1
1.3本文设计的依据     . ……….          .        . 2
1.4本文所做的主要工作       . .                   2
2清华府邸住宅小区供电系统总体方案及要求…               . 4
 2.1 工程设计概述                            …4
 2.2 供配电设计具体要求       .                  . 5
 2.5 其他事项                            6
3清华府邸住宅小区供配电系统设计                    .9
3.1 总计算负荷的确定                          9
 3.2  计算负荷的校验                        . . 14
  3.3变压器的台数、容量的选择及无功补偿              .  .  . 14
 3.4 主要电气设备的确定       .                  .17
4防雷及接地系统设计                           .21
 4.1 防雷设计的概述                    .     .  21
 4.2 防雷的措施        .                    21
 4.3 防雷接地设计       .                     . 23
5消防系统的设计                             26
 5.1  消防系统的概述                           .26
 5.2 消防控制室的设置                          26
 5.3 消防广播                              27
 5.4火灾探测器的计算                      .    28
 5.5应急照明 .                            .30
6主要设计结果         .                  .   .32
7结论            .                      33
致谢                                    34
参考文献                                 35

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