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论文编号:DQ177   论文字数:13603,页数:38



The content of this dissertation belongs in the research fields of power appliance technology. The performances of inventers are becoming more and more important along with the inverter technology’s widely using in lots of fields as the high speed developing of the power electronics and the more need for the electrical systems on control performance in some fields. As we know, the quality of electrical energy is more and more demanding in the modern industrial applications.
As one of inventers, SPWM inventers can achieve low total harmonic distortion (THD) output wave. With the development of digital control techniques, the production of SPWM and digital control of inventers become convenient, which makes the output wave’s steady-state precision, transient and steady state response, reliability improved. In addition, performances’ improvements of the inventers are also based on closed-loop control of output wave. Pure digital control technique, such as repetitive control, digital PID control , sliding mode control and one-cycle control, have being used in these fields.
In view of this, the design is the use of technology SPWM inverter power inverter, using single-chip microcomputer to control the entire system, so that the digital power inverter, LED display of the system can be intuitive. Digital control of the inverter to allow more convenient and steady state response, reliability improved. In addition, performances’ improvements of the inverters are also based on closed-loop control of output wave. Because of this design is the original on the basis of laboratory equipment to improve, streamline the design of a component part, joined the photoelectric isolation technology, eliminating the interference of external power, making the output more accurate.
Keywords: inverter;SPWM;Optical isolation;8051; LED
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
1 前言 1
1.1  现代逆变技术的发展与现状 1
1.1.1现代逆变技术的概念 1
1.1.2现代逆变技术的发展过程 1
1.1.3现代逆变技术的分类 2
1.2  选题的原因和设计内容 2
1.2.1 SPWM的优点 2
1.2.2本文研究的主要内容 3
2 SPWM逆变整流的原理 4
2.1  单相正弦波全桥逆变器的主电路拓扑 4
2.2  开关管的驱动信号 4
2.3   SPWM的两种常用的控制方法 5
2.4两种波形形式 6
2.5  设计中所用的SPWM 7
3硬件部分介绍 8
3.1总体设计方案 8
3.1.1 硬件设计原理图 8
3.1.2 系统功能介绍 8
3.2  SPWM正弦信号发生器SA8282 8
3.1.1 SA8282引脚和内部结构 9
3.1.2结构原理 10
3.3  单片机8051 11
3.3.1单片机AT89C51性能 12
3.3.2主要特性 13
3.3.3管脚说明 14
3.3.4振荡器特性 15
3.3.5芯片擦除 15
3.4 UNL2004驱动器 15
3.4.1芯片ULN2004性能 16
3.4.2ULN2004 特性 16
3.5  光电隔离器 17
3.5.1光电隔离器简介 18
3.5.2光电隔离器的结构 19
3.5.3光电隔离器的应用 20
3.5.4光电隔离器构成的几个实用电路 21
3.6   IR2110 24
3.6.1 IR2110简介 24
3.6.2 IR2110内部结构和特点 25
3.6.3高压侧悬浮驱动的自举原理 25
3.7  LED的显示 26
3.7.1并行接口概述 27
3.7.3 74HC164简要说明 29
4设计总结 32
致谢 32
参考文献 34
附录  硬件系统电路原理图和PCB 35

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