论文编号:DQ173 论文字数:14450,页数:47
摘 要
Operational amplifier is widely used in all kinds of analog and mixed-signal circuit. There are many differences of focused performance because it is applied for differential circuit. According to the most recent research of relative field,the specification of the operational amplifier are discussed. All kinds of structure of low-votage op-amp were compared and analyzed. On the base of the structure of other papers, a circuit was designed, which primarily through the use of integrated operational amplifier circuit to enlarge the composition of measurement of the sensors weak voltage signal amplification, requiring a higher common mode rejection capability. So differential input is the measurement of the pre-amplifier, and then after a two-terminal signal to the single-ended signal conversion,and ultimated by the ratio of the amplifer amplification.
The results demonstrate that the sensor amplifier satisfies the parameters set beforehand. After slight modification, this circuit has been successfully applied to capacitor accelemeter.
Keywords:sensors、operational amplifier、integrated circuit、high gain
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 本设计的要求和安排 2
2 传感器 3
2.1 传感器分类 3
2.2 传感器的静态特性 4
2.3 传感器的动态特性 4
2.4 传感器的线性度 4
2.5 传感器的灵敏度 5
3 运算放大器 6
3.1 运算放大器的发展概况 6
3.2 运算放大器发展的特点 6
3.3 运算放大器发展的几个主要方向 7
3.4 运算放大器的特点 7
3.5 运算放大器的结构 11
3.6 运算放大器的应用 23
4 MOS管的基本特性 26
4.1 MOSFET的结构 26
4.2 MOSFET的工作状态 27
4.3 MOS管的小信号模型 28
4.4 MOS管的噪声及对精度的影响 31
5 测力传感器放大器设计 33
5.1 稳压电源设计 33
5.2 放大电路设计 35
5.3电路板安装与调试 38
6 结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43