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论文编号:DQ302   论文字数:23092,页数:47  附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

 数控技术和数控装备是制造工业现代化的重要基础。这个基础是否牢固直接影响到一个国家的经济发展和综合国力,关系到一个国家的战略地位。在我国,数控技术与装备的发展亦得到了高度重视,近年来取得了相当大的进步。特别是在通用微机数控领域,以PC平台为基础的国产数控系统,已经走在了世界前列。但是,我国在数控技术研究和产业发展方面亦存在不少问题,特别是在技术创新能力、商品化进程、市场占有率等方面情况尤为突出。在新世纪到来时,如何有效解决这些问题,使我国数控领域沿着可持续发展的道路,从整体上全面迈入世界先进行列,使我们在国际竞争中有举足轻重的地位,将是数控研究开发部门和生产厂家所面临的重要任务。数控系统是各类数控装备的核心,因此通过科技创新首先发展具有中国特色的新型数控系统,将是推动数控产业化进程的有效技术途径。实践证明,10年来我们所走的PC数控道路是完全正确的。PC机(包括工业PC)产量大、价格便宜,技术进步和性能提高很快,且可靠性高(工业PC主机的 MTBF已达30年)。因此,以其作为数控系统的软硬件平台不但可以大幅度提高数控系统的性能价格比,而且还可充分利用通用微机已有软硬件资源和分享计算机领域的最新成果,如大容量存储器、高分辨率彩色显示器、多媒体信息交换、联网通讯等。此外,以通用微机作为数控平台还可获得快速的技术进步,当 PC机升级换代时,数控系统也可相应升级换代,从而长期保持技术上的优势,在竞争中立于不败之地。这种高性能、高可靠性、低成本的新型数控系统将具有极强的竞争力,有望为开创中国数控的新局面作出贡献。
 NC technology and equipment manufacturing industry is an important foundation for modernization. This is the basis of a strong direct impact on the country''''s economic development and comprehensive national strength, and bearing on a country''''s strategic position. TIn China, the CNC technology and equipment development has also been a high degree of attention in recent years has made considerable progress. Particularly in the area of general computer numerical control, PC-based platform for domestic CNC systems, has been at the forefront of the world. China, however, is in NC technology research and development industries also have many problems, particularly in the ability of technological innovation and commercialization process, and other aspects of market share is even more conspicuous. In the arrival of the new century, how to effectively solve these problems, China''''s NC areas along the path of sustainable development, from the overall comprehensive entered the ranks of the advanced world, we in the international competition in a pivotal position, will be NC research and development departments and manufacturers facing the important task. NC system is the core of all types of CNC equipment, first through the development of scientific and technological innovation with Chinese characteristics, the new NC system, will be to promote the industrialization process of NC effective technical means. Practice has proven that the past 10 years we are moving in the PC NC road is completely correct. PC machines (including industrial PC) output is big, cheap, technological progress, and quickly improve performance, and high reliability (MTBF host PC industry has reached 30 years). Therefore, as a CNC system with the hardware and software platform can greatly improve the cost-NC system, but also make full use of existing generic computer hardware and software resources and sharing the latest achievements in the field of computers, such as large memory capacity, high - color display, multimedia information exchange, networking and communications. In addition, as the common computer platform can also access NC rapid technological progress, when PC-upgrading, NC system can also be corresponding upgrades to maintain long-term technical advantages in the competition to be invincible. This high-performance, high reliability, low cost, the new NC system is highly competitive, is expected to open up a new situation in China to contribute to NC.
Key words:NC technology、PC NC、general computer numerical control、NC rapid、NC system 
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1  绪论 1
1.1  电火花线切割加工原理和必备条件 1
1.2  线切割加工的应用 2
2  线切割系统的硬件结构 3
2.1  运动控制器 3
2.1.1运动控制器的发展概况 3
2.1.2运动控制器在国内的应用及发展 5
2.1.3基于PCI总线的多轴电机运动控制器 5
2.2  电机 8
2.2.1步进电机 8
2.2.2伺服电机 11
2.2.3步进电机和伺服电机的比较 12
3  线切割系统的内部通信 13
3.1 在运动控制卡上设置跳线(仅对 ISA 卡) 13
3.1.1基地址选择,JP1 13
3.1.2中断选择,JP2 14
3.1.3看门狗设置,JP3 15
3.2 联接控制卡和端子板 15
3.3  联接驱动器、系统输入/输出和端子板 15
3.3.1联接端子板电源 15
3.3.2专用输入、输出连接方法 16
3.3.3辅助编码器输入连接方法 17
3.3.4控制输出信号连接方法 18
3.3.5通用数字量输入/输出连接方法 19
3.3.6模拟输入连接方法 20
4  线切割系统实际应用 21
4.1 线切割系统成套设备 21
4.1.1线切割成套设备结构 21
4.1.2电极丝松紧的调节 21
4.2  数控加工工艺步骤 22
4.2.1工序的划分 22
4.2.2顺序的安排 22
4.2.3数控加工工艺与普通工序的衔接 23
4.3  加工路线的选择 23
4.3.1加工质量分析 23
4.3.2线切割的加工原则与提高加工精度的措施 25
4.4  几种不同要求工件的切割技巧 26
4.4.1复杂工件的电火花线切割加工工艺方法 26
4.4.2切割不易装夹工件的加工方法 26
4.5  线切割加工中的电极丝问题 27
4.5.1加工时电极丝的选择 27
4.5.2穿丝孔和电极丝切入位置的选择 27
4.5.3电极丝位置的调整 28
4.5.4自动找中心 29
5  基于VC++在系统中的动作方案 30
5.1  Visual C++中的使用 30
5.2  打开运动控制器 30
5.3  复位运动控制器 30
5.4  运动控制器初始化 32
5.5  设置轨迹运动的进给速度加速度 33
5.6  Home 回原点例程及轨迹运动 33
5.6.1GE-300-SG 运动控制器回原点程序 33
5.6.2三段连续轨迹运动 35
5.6.3连续轨迹运动 36
5.7  设定主轴转速 36
6  总结 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39

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