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论文编号:DQ170   论文字数:14464,页数:44

摘  要
关键词 变电所;负荷计算;变压器;继电保护

 As the modern enterprise production scale expansion of the factory, the load capacity of electricity is accompanied by the increase, companies often need to set up factories within the overall step-down stations to meet the needs of the production scale. It bears the grid voltage step-down, draw power from the power plant directly to the production equipment is powered or forwarded to the important task of substation plant, the factory power supply system is the business hub. So the design should be fully taken into account, to seek perfection, to ensure the production of the factory work can be normal, stable and reliable manner.
 Factory floor factory building the power supply design is an important part of the design. Power supply design quality, will directly affect future production and development plant. Especially for those high degree of automation of industrial production for large-scale modern factory, if there is a high-quality power supply system, then, will be conducive to the rapid development of enterprises. Stable and reliable power supply system and help the factory to increase product yields, improve product quality, reduce production costs and increase economic efficiency of enterprises. If the power supply system design quality, and will give businesses, causing incalculable damage to the country.
Keywords  Substation;Load-calculation;Transformer;Relay-protection

目 录
摘  要 II
Abstract III
1  前 言 1
2  设计任务书 3
2.1  设计原始资料 3
2.1.1厂区组成及布置 3
2.1.2设计资料 3
2.2  设计范围、内容及其步骤 6
3  全厂负荷统计及无功功率补偿 7
3.1  全厂各车间变电所的计算负荷 7
3.2  无功功率补偿 8
3.3  各车间变压器的型号初选 9
3.4  小结 10
4  总变电所变压器选择 12
4.1  主变压器的台数选择及其原理 12
4.1.1变压器台数选择的原理 12
4.1.2变压器台数的选择 12
4.2  主变压器的容量和型号选择 12
4.3  SL7—4000/35 变压器功率损耗 13
4.4  35kV侧的总负荷 13
5  总降压站电气主接线设计 15
5.1  设计二种电气主接线 15
5.2  电气主接线方案的技术经济比较 16
5.2.1供电方案的技术指标 16
5.2.2供电方案的经济指标 17
5.2.3供电方案比较选择 17
6  短路电流计算 18
6.1  计算短路电流的目的 18
6.1.1短路的原因及危害 18
6.2  短路电流计算 18
6.2.1计算方法 18
6.2.2短路点的确定 18
6.2.3具体计算过程 19
7  高、低压配电装置(柜)选择 24
7.1  高压电器的选择与校验 24
7.2  高压开关柜选择 24
7.2.1 35kV高压开关柜的选择 24
7.2.2 10kV高压开关柜的选择 25
7.3  高压断路器的选择与校验 25
7.3.1 35kV侧断路器的选择 26
7.3.2 10kV侧断路器的选择 27
7.4  高压隔离开关的选择与校验 28
7.5  高压熔断器的选择与校验 28
7.6  互感器的选择 28
7.6.1电压互感器的选择 28
7.6.2电流互感器的选择 29
8  高、低压出线选择 30
8.1  导线和电缆选择校验项目及条件 30
8.2  总降压站35kV侧进线选择与校验 30
8.3  车间变电所10kV侧进线选择与校验 31
8.3.1 NO.1变电所10kV侧进线的电缆线选择与校验 31
8.3.2 其他变电所10kV侧进线的电缆线选择与校验 32
9  继电保护装置设置 33
9.1  系统继电保护及自动装置 33
9.2  线路的三段过电流继电保护整定计算 33
9.3  相间短路保护 34
10  绘制总变电所供电系统全图 36
11  总  结 37
致  谢 38
参考文献 39

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