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论文编号:DQ281   论文字数:15805,页数:41


摘  要


关键词:啤酒发酵 PLC DCS 计算机控制

Beer Fermentation Control System of Computer Hardware Design and Implementation


 The thesis mainly introduces the process of beer fermentation for the engineering background of the beer fermentation process automation and control strategy of the study aims to achieve the controlled use of advanced technology to upgrade traditional industries and skill levels a comprehensive practical significance. For beer fermentation process with large inertia, delay, non-linear, decentralized collection of the characteristics of distribution, the system uses a computer control system of distributed control system (DCS) Distributed Control. System can increase the degree of automation and integration of a variety of information, control of production processes. High reliability, high-performance, distributed control, centralized monitoring and management capabilities. The system uses the upper and lower control-bit microprocessor control program coordinated by the systems engineer and on-site control station component.Selected as a PC-PC, Siemens S7-300PLC as the under-bit machines, the use of PROFIBUS-DP bus implementation of the fermentation tank temperature and pressure control and management of on-site monitoring capabilities. Production Practice has proved that the anti-interference ability of the system running stable, user-friendly to meet the needs of a large-scale production can be applied in the beer industry.

Key words:beer fermentation  PLC  DCS   computer control techniques

 目  录
摘要 I
1引言 1
 1.1啤酒工业概述 1
 1.2我国啤酒工业发展现状 1
 1.3啤酒发酵工艺流程 1
2啤酒发酵控制系统总体方案设计 3
 2.1控制系统要求分析 3
 2.1.1被控对象 3
2.1.2 控制功能 3
 2.2控制策略和控制算法 4
3啤酒发酵控制系统方案综述 6
 3.1方案构想 6
 3.2方案比较及选用依据 8
4啤酒发酵控制系统硬件设计 9
 4.1上位机系统硬件设计 10
 4.2下位机系统硬件设计 10
 4.2.1可编程控制器(PLC)简述 10
 4.2.2 西门子S7-300系列PLC 11
 4.2.3 PLC模块的配置 12
 4.2.4 PLC的I/O资源配置 14
 4.2.5 选择变送器和执行机构 14
 4.3上,下位机通信 15
 4.3.1 PROFIBUS现场总线 15
 4.3.2 PROFIBUS-DP 15
5啤酒发酵控制系统软件设计 17
 5.1系统程序流程图设计 17
 5.2 PLC功能模块设计 17
 5.3 上位机组态软件设计 18
6 啤酒发酵控制系统可靠性,经济性,抗干扰设计 21
7 结论 22
参考文献 23
附录 24
谢辞 37

  • 上一篇资讯: 基于PLC的热气排放系统
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