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论文编号:ZD357  论文字数:14418,页数:35,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,CAD图

 摘  要: 论文主要设计110kV变电站及其配电系统。本文首先根据设计任务书所提出的要求,拟定了设计资料,并根据设计资料上所给系统与线路及所有负荷的参数,分析负荷的发展趋势,从负荷增长方面阐明了建站的必要性;然后通过查阅大量资料,确立了设计110kV变电站的方法和步骤。论文的主要工作分为四个方面:


 Abstract:  This paper is mainly designs the 110 kV transformer substation and it goes together with to give or get an electric shock the system.This thesis first according to the request that the design mission book put forward, drafted the design informations, and according to the design  system give on data and circuits and all parameters of burden, analyze the development trend of burden, increase the necessity that the aspect clarifies to set up the station from the burden;Then pass to check a great deal of data, establish to design the method and the step of the 110 kV transformer substation.The main work of the thesis is divided into four aspects:
 (1)The electricity is once part of designs.Chapter 1 goes to chapter 4s to pass the analysis to draw up to set up the transformer substation to generalize and a line direction to consider, and pass the rightness carry the data, safety, economic and dependable sex aspect consider, making sure the 110 kVs,35 kVs,10 kVs and stand the lord of use the electricity connects the line;Immediately after made sure the main transformer set through the burden calculation and the power supply scopes number, capacity and model number, also made sure that the station uses the capacity and the model number of the transformer;End, according to biggest keep on the calculating calculation result of the work electric current and short circuits, to the high pressure chopper, the insulation switch, female line, insulate the son and wear a tube, the electric voltage is with each other the feeling machine, the electric current is with each other the feeling machine to carried on to choose the type, thus completing the 110 kV electricity once part of design.
 (2)Defend the thunder and connect  ground of design.Chapter 5s made the characteristics that passes in and out the line to the transformer substation  all levels burden, establishing to defend the thunder device differently.At the same time, at the request of operate, connect a ground of net to connect the place type, material and the protection measures in the all levels electric voltage also each have the dissimilarity.
 (3)The high low pressure goes together with the electricity design.Chapter 6 according to go together with the basic request of the electricity device, at satisfied the economy  burden of the different from the premise of the safety bottom, rightness three kinds ofly electric voltage grade to set to correspond of go together with the electricity device.
 (4)The electricity is two times part of designs.Chapter 7s go to the analysis and understanding that chapter 10s pass to the typical model 110 kV transformer substation, making sure the electricity two times equipments arranges and installs to the all levels electric voltage indoorly, at the same time, in order to adjust the modern trend, carry out the transformer substation to automate completely, also did the detailed provision to the direct current power supply system that the automation request to install.Adjust one degree aspect in the electric power, use the microcomper to carry on the far-away place supervision, and establish the homologous microcomputer protection and equip to install automatically.

 Key Words:transformer substation;transformer;connect the line;microcomputer

目   录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章  概述 1
 1.1  设计资料 1
1.1.1  建站目的 1
1.1.2  拟建变电站联网情况 1
1.1.3  地区自然条件 1
1.1.4  出线方向 1
 1.2  负荷资料 1
第2章  主接线的设计说明 3
 2.1  110kV主接线 3
 2.2  35kV主接线 3
 2.3  10kV主接线 3
 2.4  站用电接线 3
第3章  负荷计算及变压器选择 4
 3.1  负荷计算 4
3.1.1  站用电负荷计算 4
3.1.2  10kV侧负荷计算 4
3.1.3  35kV侧负荷计算 4
3.1.4  110kV侧负荷计算 4
3.1.5  各电压级负荷列表 4
 3.2  主变选择 5
3.2.1  各级负荷计算 5
3.2.2  各支路最大负荷电流 5
 3.3  站用变选择 6
第4章  最大负荷电流及短路电流计算 7
 4.1  各支路最大负荷电流 7
 4.1.1  110kV侧最大负荷总电流计算 7
 4.1.2  35kV侧最大负荷总电流计算 7
 4.1.3  10kV侧最大负荷总电流计算 7
 4.1.4  各支路最大负荷电流 7
 4.2  短路点的选择及短路电流计算 8
4.2.1  110kV母线实用阻抗 9
4.2.2  35kV母线实用阻抗 9
4.2.3  10kV母线实用阻抗 9
4.2.4  短路电流计算结果表 9
第5章  主要电气设备选择 10
 5.1  高压断路器 10
 5.1.1  断路器选择的具体技术条件 10
 5.1.2  高压断路器的选择计算 10
 5.2  隔离开关 12
5.2.1  隔离开关选择的具体技术条件 12
5.2.2  隔离开关的选择计算 12
 5.3  母线设计说明 13
5.3.1  110kV与35kV母线选择 13
5.3.2  10kV母线选择 14
 5.4  绝缘子和穿墙套管的选择 14
5.4.1  选择条件 14
 5.4.2  型号选择 15
 5.5  电流互感器的设计说明 16
 5.6  电压互感器的设计说明 16
5.6.1  按一次回路电压选择 16
5.6.2  按二次回路电压选择 17
5.6.3  按装置种类和型式选择 17
5.6.4  按容量和准确等级选择 17
 5.7  避雷器选择 17
 5.8  各主要电气设备选择结果表 18
第6章  过电压保护和接地 19
 6.1  直击雷保护 19
 6.2  侵入波保护 19
 6.3  接地 19
第7章  配电装置设计 20
 7.1  110kV配电装置设计 20
 7.2  35kV配电装置 20
 7.3  10kV配电装置 20
第8章  电气二次线 21
 8.1  电气二次设备室布置 21
 8.2  二次回路的参数 21
 8.3  防误操作闭锁 21
 8.4  电能计量表计的配置 22
第9章  直流系统 23
 9.1  直流负荷统计表 23
 9.2  蓄电池型式及容量选择 24
9.2.1  蓄电池个数的确定 24
9.2.2  蓄电池容量选择 24
第10章  远方监控终端 25
 10.1  系统概述 25
 10.2  系统配置 25
 10.3  主要功能 25
10.3.1  数据实时采集 25
10.3.2  远方和就地操作、控制 25
 10.3.3  电压和无功的调节控制 26
 10.4  “四遥”远动系统功能 26
10.4.1  遥测 26
10.4.2  遥信 26
 10.4.3  遥控 28
 10.4.4  遥调 28
第11章  微机保护及自动装置配置 29
 11.1  微机保护 29
11.1.1  装置特点 29
11.1.2  硬件原理 29
 11.1.3  基本应用 29
 11.2  自动装置配置 30
11.2.1  主变压器 30
11.2.2  110kV桥断路器 30
11.2.3  10kV线路 30
11.2.4  电力电容器组 31
11.2.5  自动装置 31
结论 32
参考文献 34
致谢 35
附录1  电气一次接线原理图 36
附录2  电气总平面布置图 37
附录3  接地网图 38
附录4  电气二次回路图 39

  • 上一篇资讯: 110kV变电站的设计
  • 下一篇资讯: 110kVSF6断路器设计
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