论文编号:ZD754 论文字数:24825,页数:60 ,有CAD图纸
Design the task this time is aim at intensity of mastering of every subject knowledge of this speciality reflecting, and of test this speciality’s study result. first, analyze the tend of load department according to all parameter of load about system and circuit on task book. It expounds the necessity to this situation from the rspect of increasing load. Then through to the generalization of planning to build the transformer substation and the analysis of the load materials, safe, economy and dependability are considered, has confirmed the mainly wiring form of 110kV, 35kV, 10kV. Calculated and supplied power in the range and confirmed TV station''s number of the main voltage transformer through load finally, capacity and type, capacity and type of using the voltage transformer stand surely at the same time, finally, the result of calculation of calculating that and short out according to the electric current of largest lasting job, make the circuit to protect, the voltage transformer is protected, the bus bar is protected, prevent the thunder from protecting. Thus finished electric designs of the part two times of 110kV.
Key Words:Power system;short out in the electric current;relay protection.
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
绪论 1
第1章 变电站的分析与设计 3
1.1变电站的总体分析 3
1.2 变电站的负荷分析 4
第2章 主变压器的选择及主接线选择 7
2.1 主变压器的选择 7
2.2 电气主接线设计 11
第3章 短路电流的计算 19
3.1 短路的概念及路电流的种类 19
3.2 短路电流的计算 20
3.3 在最大运行方式下的短路电流 23
3.4 短路电流计算结果 30
第4章 线路保护 31
4.1 电力系统继电保护的作用 31
4.2 输配电线保护 34
4.3 线路末端短路电流 34
4.4 线路保护整定 35
第5章 变压器的保护 37
5.1 变压器装设的保护 37
5.2 变压器保护的整定方法 38
5.3 变压器差动保护整定计算 40
5.4 变压器最大运行方式下10kv侧的短路电流 41
5.5 纵差保护的整定计算 45
5.6 变压器过流保护整定计算 46
第6章 母线保护 50
6.1 简介 50
6.2 母线的保护方式 50
6.3 双母线同时运行时母线保护 51
第7章 防雷保护和接地设计 52
7.1 直击雷保护 52
7.2 雷电侵入波保护 53
总结 55
致谢 56
参考文献 57