论文编号:ZD784 论文字数:21483,页数:46
摘 要
关键词: 别克法 纸张平滑度 压力传感器 单片机AT89S52 单相交流电机
1000 years ago in China appeared in papermaking and printing, from print position in human life are becoming increasingly important. The 21st century, with all kinds of printing and paper technology constantly upgrading, making prints has become a necessity of daily life.
With the development of the economy and culture, the presswork had been the necessity to the people .it can not be substituted in civilization- spread, news-reported, advertisement of product and so on. so it is important to improve the quality of the presswork .as the main materials of presswork, the capability of the paper determine the quality of the paper directly the smoothness degree of the paper is a very important factor to judge the concave and protrude of the paper .and it is also a physical factor show smooth, velvet and uniformity of the paper surface .the more smooth the paper is ,the more smooth and the integrity when the paper and the forme touch., and the printing ink will displace more fill in the forme or the mackintosh and the presswork will also be better .so how to evaluate the smooth of the paper has been very important .
The paper smooth analyzer is a production of organic combination of micro-computer and instrument by bekk .this analyzer is in core of AT89S52 and meet other chips and pressure sensor. it includes more function modules, which work under control of AT89S52 single chip machine .each module mainly make contact with CPU in order to reduce the complexity of the system .the analyzer adopts module construction to expand function.
This paper smooth analyzer suits the demand of modern production and test .Compared to the tradition analogy analyzer its main characteristic is more exactness, more swift, more light, convenient to operate and vindicate. so it will achieve the work of product and test better.
Key words: bekk smooth of paper pressure sensor AT89S52 single-phase AC electromotor
1 绪论 5
2方案论证 6
2.1 整体设计方案的选择 6
2.1.1 模拟电路方案 6
2.1.2 单片机和数字电路方案 6
2.2 器件选择的方案论证 6
2.2.1 A/D转换器的选择 6
2.2.2 控制芯片的选择 6
2.2.3计时方案的选择 7
3本测试仪的整体设计 7
4测试仪硬件电路的设计 9
4.1传感器的选择和设计 9
4.2信号的放大及滤波 10
4.2.1信号的放大 10
4.2.2信号的滤波 12
4.3单片机接口的设计 13
4.3.1 A/D转换器的设计 13
4.3.2显示器及驱动装置的设计 15 8数位LED数码管驱动器ICM7218 15 LED数码管的动态显示方式 16
4.3.3程序存储器的设计 16
4.3.4键盘的设计 18
4.4单片机及其外围电路的设计 18
4.4.1单片机的选择 18
4.4.2电源的设计 20
4.4.3控制功率放大电路的设计 20过零检测电路 20过零触发电路 21
4.5 AT89S52单片机程序下载硬件设计 22
5测试仪控制算法及应用软件的设计 23
5.1 设计中选择的应用软件 23
5.1.1 编写程序软件 23
5.1.2 烧写程序软件 24
5.2控制算法的设计 25
5.2.1关于PID控制原理的基本理论 25相关的基本概念 25 PID调节器 25
5.2.2 PID控制理论在本设计中的应用 28
5.3应用软件的设计 31
5.3.1数据采集和数字滤波程序的设计 31数据采集程序的设计 31数字滤波程序的设计 34
5.3.2计时显示程序的设计 36软件计时程序的设计 36计时显示程序的设计 37关于二进制码到BCD的转换 40
5.3.3键盘查询程序的设计 41
致谢 44
参考文献 45
附录 46