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论文编号:ZD824    论文字数:23048,页数:58

摘 要
 一氧化碳为无色、无味、有剧毒的气体。在煤矿中 ,由于煤在低温氧化阶段产生一氧化碳,因此 ,一氧化碳是早期揭露火灾的敏感指标。在矿井的采煤工作面回风道、综掘煤巷等有自燃发火的地点设置一氧化碳检测仪 ,可对煤层自燃进行预测预报。及时准确地测定矿井气体中的一氧化碳浓度 ,对人体健康和安全生产都有着重要的意义。
 一氧化碳气体检测的方式有很多 ,目前应用得较为广泛的是热催化检测方式。但由于多种可燃性气体都能催化氧化燃烧 ,导致检测精度下降。另外,采用这种方式的检测仪体积和功耗都较大 ,不便于随身携带。本课题设计的单片机MSP430控制的便携式一氧化碳检测仪将空气中的一氧化碳浓度转换为电信号,再经AD转换器,将模拟信号转为数字信号,用微处理器处理后,用4位七段LED数码管显示浓度数值。当空气中一氧化碳浓度超限后有声光报警功能。本课题设计的单片机控制的便携式一氧化碳检测仪有电源监控功能,实时监控仪表内部电源,当电源电压低于阈值时发出报警,提醒使用人员及时更换电池,并且外部有复位按钮,可是系统安全可靠。本课题所设计的一氧化碳检测仪,针对便携的特点,内部芯片全采用贴片式封装,体积小,功耗低,测值报警准确,便于工作人员的携带,特别是在矿井下流动的工作人员随身携带。

关键字: MSP430、报警、低功耗

 Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, highly toxic gas. In the coal mine, since the coal produced in low-temperature oxidation stage of carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide is early to expose the fire-sensitive indicators. Mine in the coal face to the wind Road, fully mechanized coal entry, such as digging a spontaneous combustion of carbon monoxide detector locations, the spontaneous combustion of coal a prediction. Timely and accurate determination of carbon monoxide in the mine gas concentration on human health and production safety have is of important significance.
 Carbon monoxide gas detection means a lot, in the wider application of the thermal catalytic detection method. However, due to a variety of flammable gas can be catalyzed oxidation combustion, resulting in decreased accuracy of detection. In addition, the use of this type of detector are larger in size and power, not easy to carry. The subject of design MSP430 MCU control of the portable carbon monoxide detector will be the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air and converted to electrical signals, then the AD converter, the analog signal to digital signals, processed by the microprocessor, with 4  LED digital display of the concentration of value. When the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air after a sound and light gauge alarm function. The issue of the SCM control of the design of portable carbon monoxide detector with power monitoring function, real-time monitoring instrument within the power, when the supply voltage below the threshold when the alarm to remind the use of staff time to replace batteries, and there are external reset button, but system Safe and reliable. This issue designed by carbon monoxide detector, portable against the characteristics of the internal use of the entire chip-chip package, small size, low power consumption, accurate measurement of the police, to facilitate the carrying of staff, particularly in the flow of underground mine Staff carry.


Keyword: MSP430, alarm, Low-Power

目 录
摘 要………………………… ………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ
1.绪 论……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1. 1一氧化碳气体检测仪表概述 2
1.2 气体检测仪表的国内外发展状况 3
1. 3 一氧化碳气体检测仪表的现实意义 4
1.4 本课题的主要工作 5
2.1 系统总体结构 5
2.2 系统硬件设计 6
2.3  系统软件设计 21
3串行通讯协议…………………………… …………………………………………………… 29
4 系统低功耗设计………………………………………………………………………………30
总 结……………………………………………………………………… …………………………31
致 谢……………………………………………………………………………… …………………32
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………………33

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