论文编号:ZD826 论文字数:16828,页数:36
摘 要
This paper based on 180,000 tons of synthetic ammonia and 300,000 tons of urea Manufacturing Process of Henan Heartbeat Chemical Company ,which is born by Zhejiang soupcon Co., LTD. The paper used the 300,000 tons of urea manufacturing process control system as the main of research object, designs the homologous possibility of project, which based on the most commonly used DCS control and the implementation of the project approach.
Expound clearly the development of the DCS, and the basic structure and the work principle of the DCS and the application at the industry spot of last years, analyzed emphasesly characteristic and constitutes of ECS-100 DCS Zhejiang soupcon Co., LTD. The thesis mostly introduced application of the DCS to urea manufacturing process , and the DCS control, including the control scheme of the DCS design, the controller configuration of the system, and the whole course of the engineering actual and so on.
Based on the analyzed and design’s point of the distributed control system, according to practicality request, the paper designs the data collection system, communication system and computer disposal system based on the computer monitor and control system’s function request. In the end the design gave the system’s deficiency and the method to ameliorate it according to the result based on the field.
Keywords: DCS , urea, control scheme , configuration
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 集散控制系统的体系结构介绍 2
1.2 DCS系统的基本组成部分 2
1.3 本文研究任务和主要工作 3
2 合成氨工艺流程 4
2.1 尿素合成工艺原理——水溶液全循环法工艺介绍 4
2.2 尿素合成工段DCS系统的配置 7
3 主要控制方案 8
3.1 重要环节控制方案 8
3.1.1尿素合成工段主要参数优化控制 8
4 浙大中控DCS系统的组态步骤 11
4.1 AdvanTrol-Pro软件组成 11
4.2 系统组态具体步骤 11
4.2.1 控制系统组态 12
4.2.2 操作系统组态 12
5 工程项目实施步骤 14
5.1 系统安装 14
5.2 现场调试 15
5.3 系统模拟联调 17
5.4 投运 18
5.4.1 投运前的检查、测试工作 18
5.4.2 投运中的关键点 18
6 本次毕业设计主要工作举例 19
7 总结和改进 22
致 谢 23
参 考 文 献 24
附录1 各主要流程图 25
附录2 氮肥工程整体设计及主要工段工艺介绍 30