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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/01


论文编号:ZD1056    论文字数:29193,页数:51

摘  要

关键词: DCS;石膏综合利用;控制方案;系统组态

 With the development of industry and economy, DCS is becoming more and more widely used.DCS have been developed day by day and it related to our daily life.Study of the thesis is based on plaster synthetically utilization Manufacturing Process of Zhejiang soupcon Co., LTD. The design used the plaster synthetically Manufacturing Process control system as the research object, design the homologous possibility of project, which is based on the development direction and form of DCS.
 We expressed the development of DCS in this dissertation, and the basic structure and the work principle of the DCS and the application at the industry spot of last years, analyzed emphasisly characteristic and constitutes of JX-300XP DCS Zhejiang soupcon Co., LTD. The thesis mostly introduced application of the DCS to plaster synthetically Manufacturing Process, and the DCS control, including the control scheme of the DCS design, the controller configuration of the system, and the whole course of the engineering actual and so on.
 Based on the analyzed and design’s point of the distributed control system, according to practicality request, the thesis designs the data collection system, communication system and computer disposal system based on the computer monitor and control system’s function request. In the end the design gave the method to ameliorate it according to the result based on the field.

Keywords: DCS; Plaster Synthetically Manufacturing Process; Control Scheme; System Configuration
 目 录
摘  要 II
Abstract III
1 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.3 本论文的主要内容 2
2  总体方案设计 3
2.1 系统总体结构 3
2.2 系统硬件结构 4
2.3 组态软件示意图 5
3  集散控制系统与石膏综合利用工艺概述 6
3.1 DCS的发展历程 6
3.2 DCS系统结构 7
3.2.1 DCS的网络结构 8
3.2.2 DCS的特点 9
3.3 石膏综合利用生产工艺及原理简介 10
3.3.1 石膏强化干燥系统 10
3.3.2 石膏粉输送系统 11
3.3.3石膏粒成型及石膏粒输送系统 11
3.3.4空气压缩系统 14
4  DCS系统组态及程序设计 15
4.1 SUPCON JX-300XP介绍 15
4.2 SUPCON Advantrol Pro组态软件介绍 17
4.3 组态流程 18
4.3.1 石膏强化干燥系统 18
4.3.2 石膏造粒系统 19
4.3.3 造粒机油压系统 19
4.3.4 压缩空气系统 20
4.4 控制组态 20
4.4.1 系统I/O组态 21
4.4.2 设计的主要步骤 23
5  石膏综合利用工艺的调试方案 29
5.1 前言 29
5.1.1 目的 29
5.1.2调试依据 29
5.1.3调试质量标准 29
5.2 系统及主要设备技术规范 29
5.3系统调试前需具备的条件 30
5.4调试程序、内容及步骤 31
5.4.1 调试程序图 31
5.4.2 调试主要步骤 31
5.4.3 调试主要内容 31
6  工程项目实施 33
6.1 安装条件 33
6.2 上电步骤 34
6.3 系统联调 34
6.4 现场调试 35
6.4.1 现场信号与实时数据组态正确性的调试 35
6.4.2 流程画面的测试 35
6.4.3 控制系统的算法整定与调试 36
6.5 接地规范 36
6.5.1 接地设计准则 38
6.5.2 接地总成 38
6.6 其他调试和检测验收 39
7  总 结 40
致 谢 41
附 录

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