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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/01


论文编号:ZD1008    论文字数:15577,页数:53

摘 要
   本次实验在分类过程中采用了VC++ 2008作为开发平台,此平台极大地提高了分类的速度。


 Remote sensing images have been a widely applications in Resource survey. In this paper, using K-means algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing image classification. First introduced the technology of remote sensing images at home and abroad and the trend of the development ,and the the characteristics of the Hyperspectral remote sensing images. Then introduced the hyperspectral remote sensing images of several pre-processing method——calibrating the Hyperspectral remote sensing images.
 In remote sensing image classification method,introduced a variety of hyperspectral remote sensing image classification method. The main algorithm can be divided into supervised classification and unsupervised classification algorithm. K-means algorithm is one commonly used in a non-supervised classification algorithm.
 K-means classification algorithm in the first election with the smallest maximum-force category to choose the initial center, and then on the basis of minimum distance between the pixel points in all categories.
 Final analysis of the different iterations of the final classification results.
 The classification process of the experiment in the use of VC + + 2008 as a development platform, this platform greatly enhance the speed of classification.
Key words: hyperspectral remote sensing imag;K-means;Max-min-force election

目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1  前言 1
1.1 课题背景及其意义 1
1.2 高光谱遥感技术的发展 1
1.3 高光谱图像的特点 2
1.4 分类算法选择 2
1.5 设计规划 4
2 高光谱遥感图像的预处理 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 遥感图像的辐射校正 5
2.2.1 传感器的辐射校正 5
2.2.2 大气辐射校正 6
2.3 遥感图像的几何校正 6
2.4 遥感图像辐值匹配法 7
3 高光谱遥感图像格式 8
3.1 概述 8
3.2 BIP2----按像元波段交叉式 8
3.3 BIL-----按波段行交叉式 8
3.4 BSQ----按波段顺序式 9
4 高光谱遥感图像的分类算法 11
4.1 概述 11
4.2 监督分类 11
4.2.1 最小距离分类 11
4.2.2 费谢尔(Fisher)线性判别分类 11
4.2.4 神经网络分类 12
4.2.5 最大似然判别法 13
4.3 监督分类的优缺点 13
4.4 非监督分类 14
4.4.1 Kmeans算法 14
4.4.2 ISODATA算法 15
4.5 非监督分类的优缺点 17
5 K均值算法实现遥感图像分类 18
5.1 概述 18
5.2 优化的K均值算法 18
5.2.1 初始类别中心的选择 18
5.2.2 分类 20
5.3 K均值算法实现分类的流程图 22
6 实验效果与结果分析 23
6.1 试验效果 23
6.2 结果分析 24
6.2.1 原始图像的合成 24
6.2.2 迭代次数对分类的影响 25
6.3 小节 27
7 总   结 29
致   谢 30
参考文献 31
附录   K均值算法主程序 32

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