论文编号:ZD1014 论文字数:11792,页数:44
摘 要
关键词:LED双色显示屏;89C51;双色控制电路 ;上下分屏
With the advent of the information society, full-color, high-resolution large-screen LED display panels because of its rich color, high brightness and adjustable, can be carried out and the screen editor, such as spots prominent feature of the application in all walks of life become more to the more general. Therefore, the general two-color LED dot matrix display, can display Chinese characters and a variety of common characters, such as information, can be applied to public places to the public release of the information.
The design of two-color LED dot matrix display 89C51 control through their shows, the output can be a particular color output can be two colors at the same time; can change the dynamic display of the mobile speed; also can change the display (left , down, diagonal movement, etc.).
Understanding as well as the display shows the control principle is the principle of design. The design of two-color display screen in monochrome developed from the basis, therefore, increase the width of the circumstances, the focus of this design is the design of color control circuit, as well as upper and lower sub-display screen.
Key words:Two-color dot-matrix LED display;89C51; Two-color control circuit;
upper and lower sub-display screen
1 绪论 1
1.1 电子显示屏国内外现状 1
1.2 电子显示屏的发展趋势 1
1.3 增宽双色屏设计的设计思路 2
2 LED图文显示屏的特点 4
2.1 图文显示屏的特点 4
2.2 汉字显示的原理 4
3 所需具体器件的属性 6
3.1 74LS245 6
3.2 74LS595 6
3.3 74LS154 8
3.4 4953 9
3.5 8X8 LED 10
3.6 74LS373 12
3.7 74LS165 13
3.8 89C51 14
3.9 6264RAM 15
3.10 28C64ROM 16
3.11 MAX232 17
3.12 电解电容和电容 17
3.13 设计用到的型号 17
4 显示驱动单元的硬件电路设计 18
4.1 扫描驱动 18
4.2 设计思路 18
4.3 单元结构 20
4.4 双色显示控制的逻辑电路实现 20
5 显示控制电路设计 24
5.1 设计思路 24
5.2 双色控制思路 25
6 软件程序 26
6.1 程序的基本实现 26
6.2 静态显示 27
6.3 动态显示 27
6.4 系统软件调试 28
7 总结 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录:程序 33