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论文编号:ZD718    论文字数:11925,页数:32

关键词 交通信号灯  PLC EDA VHDL语言

abstract: Crossroads with traffic lights directing the safe operation of vehicles and pedestrians, to achieve the automatic traffic lights make traffic management command and work,To improve urban traffic management automation is an important landmark. Highway traffic light control to solve the problem would be to protect the traffic orderly, safe and efficient operation of the important part. But now there is a single traffic signal control system of fixed timing control can not be adjusted according to actual traffic control. PLC and the EDA are two new universal control device. It will relay the traditional PLC control technology, computer technology and communication technology integration, is designedDoors designed for industrial control, with strong functions, general flexibility, high reliability, good stability, anti-jamming can be strengthened, and programming is simple, easy to use and small size, light weight, low power, a number of advantages. EDA design using VHDL, traffic signal control system. And in the MAX + PLUSII system FPGA / CPLD chip to download, due to be generated is the integrated digital circuit, there is no system of wiring problems, so failure rate, high reliability, and size is very small.

Keywords: Traffic lights PLC EDA  VHDL language

目  录

前  言 1
第一章  PLC和EDA的特点和应用 2
1.1 PLC的概述 2
1.2 PLC的特点 2
1.3 PLC的应用 3
1.4 EDA的概述 5
1.5 EDA的特点 5
1.6 EDA的应用 6
第二章 交通信号灯的PLC控制线路设计 7
2.1 控制要求 7
2.2 控制时序 7
2.3 硬件及外围元器件 8
2.4 正常时序控制梯型图和指令表 9
第三章 利用EDA技术实现交通信号灯控制 14
3.1 交通系统的发展趋势 14
3.2 选择VHDL硬件描述语言设计的优势 14
3.3 红绿灯交通信号系统功能描述 14
3.4 红绿灯交通信号系统的VHDL模块 15
3.4.1 时钟脉冲发生电路 15
3.4.2 计数秒数选择电路 15
3.4.3 倒计时控制电路 17
3.4.4 红绿灯信号控制电路 20
3.4.5 建立程序包 21
3.4.6 连接各个模块 22
3.5VHDL程序 22
3.6得到仿真结果 25
第四章 设计总结 26
谢  辞 28
参考文献 29

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