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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/01

鉴于大家对自动化专业十分关注,我们编辑小组在此为大家搜集整理了“ PLC在钢管打压测试系统中的应用”一文,供大家参考学习!

论文编号:ZD889    论文字数:24536,页数:59

 本文取材于实际的应用型课题——“宁波金美亚集钢管打压系统”的研制。这一套压力检测系统是应用于钢铁企业的要求制作的封闭式腔体全自动压力压力实时监控系统。现场采用SIEMENS  S7—200PLC和力控组态软件联合控制。PLC主要完成现场的动作控制和压力值的采集等工作,装有力控组态软件的PC机主要通过与PLC通讯控制PLC进而控制现场的各种设备的自动运行。
 第一章,总体介绍了系统的背景 第二章,介绍了钢管的生产工艺,第三章,介绍了系统的总体方案和设计概述,第四章,可编程控制器的介绍和程序编写,第五章,组态软件的介绍和组态画面的编写,第六章,打压系统的实际应用,第七章,打压系统的发展和展望。
 关键词: 钢管,测压,水浸法,PLC A/D转换  串口通讯

 In this paper, drawn from the practical application of topics - "The Ningbo AIU-pressure pipe system" developed. This is a pressure detection system used in the iron and steel enterprises produced the request of the closed cavity pressure on the real-time automatic pressure monitoring system. The scene by SIEMENS S7-200PLC and control of the joint control of the configuration software. PLC completed the scene of major motor control and pressure on the value of the acquisition, and so on, with effective control of a PC configuration software primarily through communication with the PLC control PLC thereby control the scene of the equipment to run automatically.
 In this paper, for technical requirements, the evaluation process and a variety of detection methods, devices on a package of the design options to determine the thickness measurement devices from mechanical systems, coupled systems, measuring system and a control system. Meet high-speed, automatic detection and visual monitoring requirements, and the thickness of the image display, automatic超标alarm, automatic detection of data storage, for the function, follow the manufacture low-cost, practical principle. At the same time, pressure test on the basis of theory into a sensor choice, repetition rate, the rate of detection and resolution of the relationship between the type and use this formula to determine the sensors in the device''s layout and the use of specific number. On this basis, the coupling system of testing containers, secret, closed structure, and water purification systems were studied and passed the test to improve the design of this system, this device has been used successfully in production.
 The first chapter, introduced the system overall context of the second chapter, on the pipe production process, Chapter III, introduced a system of the overall plan and design overview, Chapter IV, the PLC on the preparation and procedures, the Fifth Chapter, the configuration software on the configuration screen and the preparation of Chapter VI of suppressing the practical application of Chapter VII of suppressing the development and prospects
    This equiPment has been aPPlied to the Production suecessfully. ComPared to Similar technique at home  and  abroad,it is easy to design and make,  the transfer  and Receiving system of the signal is very simPle, it can be also aPPlied to the steel  tube with   big diameter.The eost,fault rate and the fee for maintenance is low.
  Keywords: pressure testing, immersiontesting,   steeltube,ultrasonie,PLC A/D Serial port communication
1  绪论 - 1 -
2  钢管生产的基本工艺流程 - 5 -
2.1  钢管生产的基本工艺流程 - 5 -
3  打压系统总体方案与设计概述 - 8 -
3.1  压力检测系统的来由 - 8 -
3.2  宁波金美亚钢管打压检测系统 - 10 -
3.3  系统基本特性及配置 - 10 -
3.4  压力检测流程图 - 13 -
4  可编程控制器介绍与程序设计 - 15 -
4.1  可编程控制器(PLC)简介 - 15 -
4.2  控制器的分类及特点 - 16 -
4.3  PLC的主要功能 - 17 -
4.4  PLC控制系统的分类 - 18 -
4.5   PLC S7—200系统性能分析 - 20 -
4.6  PLC检测系统的可靠性设计 - 23 -
4.7  PLC控制程序的设计 - 25 -
4.8   本章小结 - 29 -
5  组态软件及控制画面 - 31 -
5.1  组态软件的选择 - 31 -
5.2   软件设计以及系统功能 - 32 -
5.3    三维力控组态软件的简介 - 33 -
5.4    控制界面介绍 - 35 -
本章小结: - 38 -
6    实际应用及其意义 - 39 -
6.1   上位机组态软件的选择: - 39 -
6.2  PLC的选型: - 43 -
6.3   现场实物试验 - 44 -
6.4   试验小结 - 45 -
6.5  性能测试 - 45 -
6.6  打压系统的实际应用意义 - 49 -
7  总结与展望 - 50 -
致谢 - 51 -
参考文献 - 52 -
附录: - 53 -
宁波金美亚集团钢管打压系统PLC程序STL语句(部分) - 53 -

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