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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD768    论文字数:19311,页数:68 ,有任务书,外文翻译

摘  要

 关键词  状态检查  检查程序  行程  标准信号

 This text chiefly introduces how to design a program to accomplish intelligence state examination system according to the original state examination system about the Y type of product of X type of aircraft. During the research process, in accordance with the examination rules of original system rigorously, we design the work flow and change the ageing mechanical switch virtually into the button on the touch screen. In addition, the standard signal which was provided with the electric circuit that composed by the electric relay before is completely replaced with the program in the original system during the examination program. Through the industry controlling machine, the improved system can accomplish state examination under all kinds starting ways of planes. The structure of new system becomes more inseparable, meanwhile the efficiency is improved and the reliability is enhanced.

 Keywords  State examination  Examination program  Travel 
目    录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章  绪论 1
    1.1  课题提出的背景 1
 1.2  课题研究的内容 2
 1.3  原系统的状态检查部分 2
        1.3.1  原系统状态检查的特点 2
        1.3.2  原系统状态检查的工作原理 3
第2章  X型飞机Y产品智能化检查系统的硬件概述 6
    2.1  工业控制计算机 6
 2.2  一级接口 7
 2.2.1  I/O接口电路 7
        2.2.2  ISA总线方式下的接口电路卡BH5200 8
    2.3  二级接口 11
        2.3.1  状态检查地址向量的选通 11
        2.3.2  输入与输出端口 11
第3章  C语言简介 13
    3.1  C语言的特点 13
 3.2  程序中的算法 14
 3.3  三种基本结构 15
 3.4  结构化程序设计方法 17
 3.5  接口的输入输出函数 18
        3.5.1  接口输入函数 18
        3.5.2  接口输出函数 19
 3.5.3  BH5200的I/O部分 19
第4章  产品状态检查的程序设计 20
    4.1  产品状态检查的初始化 20
 4.2  现场状态的读取 20
 4.3  状态检查系统的行程分析 27
 4.3.1  Y产品的冷运转 27
        4.3.2  起动机的冷运转 30
 4.3.3  空中自动起动 33
 4.3.4  空中再起动 36
        4.3.5  空中遭遇起动 39
 4.3.6  发动机工作状态计时器检查行程分析 44
 4.4  状态检查系统的程序设计 47
第5章  实践篇 49
    5.1  系统调试 49
 5.2  成本核算 50
结论 51
致谢 52
参考文献 53
附录 54

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