论文编号:ZD391 论文字数:14705,页数:43,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述
摘 要:本文是对小型变频单相电容运转电机做的一个基本的研究。这种电机主要用做中央空调送风系统的动力部件。本文主要阐述了单相电容运转电机的原理,变频技术的原理。对单相电容运转电机做了结构设计和电磁设计,选择了适当的变频器来调速。
关键词:变频调速 单相电机 运行性能
The central air condition of frequency that change the design sends the breeze electric motor YSK98-6
Abstract:This text is to small scaled change the frequency single mutually the electric capacity revolves a basic research that electrical engineering do.This kind of electrical engineering uses primarily the central air condition that do the motive parts sends the breeze system.This text expatiated primarily single mutually the electric capacity revolves the principle of the electrical engineering, change the principle of the technique of frequency .To single mutually the electric capacity revolves the electrical engineering did the construction designs to design with the electromagnetism, choosing to change the machine of frequency to adjust appropriately soon.
This text puts forward of change the frequency adjusts to control the method a systematic design soon to realizes in brief and easily, adjusting soon the scope is big, the development responds to quick etc. characteristics.In system design process, TMS320C24X series DS conduct and actions system controller that this literary grace produce with the TI company of the United States.Not only satisfied single mutually the electric motor changes the frequency adjusts soon the solid hour that control requests, but eyes make the hardware electric circuit of the system become more in brief.
Finally, would change the function parameter of the frequency empress to proceed the comparison with a function for adjusting soon hour electrical engineering parameter, contrast the result verified single mutually the electric motor electric voltage direction measures the type PWM changes the frequency adjusts soon possibility of controling the method.Changing the frequency adjust to is on adjusting more advancedly soon soon method.
Key phrase:Changing the frequency adjusts soon single mutually the electrical engineering circulates the function
目 录
摘 要
第1章 概述 1
1.1单相电动机变频调速的研究发展情况 1
1.2本论文的主要研究内容及其意义 1
第2章 单相异步电动机电压矢量式PWM变频调速的基本原理 3
2.1变频调速的原理与特点 3
2.2单相电动机电压矢量式 PWM变频调速原理 3
2.3电压矢量式 PWM变频调速原理和实现方式 4
2.3.1变频调速的基本要求 4
2.3.2变频电源的选择 5
2.3.3变频调速的原理 6
2.3.4单相电机电压矢量式PWM变频调速系统的硬件设计 7
2.3.5使用中应注意的问题 7
第3章 单相异步电动机电磁计算程序 9
3.1数据与技术要求 9
3.2定、转子尺寸及其冲片设计 9
3.3主绕组设计 11
3.4主相参数计算 13
3.5磁路计算 16
3.6铁耗和机械风摩耗计算 19
3.7副绕组设计 19
3.8起动性能计算 20
第4章 变频调速性能计算与比较 21
4.1变频调速性能计算 21
4.1.1 在转速为880r/min运行性能计算 21
4.1.2 在转速为800r/min运行性能计算 24
4.1.3 在转速为680r/min运行性能计算 28
4.1.4 有效材料用量 31
4.2变频调速和抽头调速电机运行时性能比较 32
第5章 结论 33
结束语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36
附录 37