论文编号:ZD395 论文字数:21424,页数:49 有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,CAD图
摘 要: 在对车辆发电总成的测试中,传统测试系统的自动化程度不高,随着现代科学技术的不断发展,生产率的提高以及劳动力成本的不断上升,研发一种能自动完成对发电总成测试的系统就显得系统非常必要。本课题着重于完成系统对发电总成输出电量自动测试功能的设计:
关键词: 车辆发电总成;自动测试;PLC;变频调速
The Vehicle Generates Electricity System And Tests The System To Design Automatically
Abstract:To the test that always becomes that the vehicle generates electricity,The automatic degree to test system of tradition is not high,With the constant development of the modern science and technology,Improvement of the productivity and constant rising of the labor cost,Research and develop one can finish to generate electricity system tested to become seem system very much essential always automatically.Whether subject this is it finish system is it output electric consumption test design of function automatically to become always generating electricity to focus on.
In this system, we select for use one adopt frequency conversion transfer motor of speed is it drive generator simulation his performance characteristics under all kinds of rotational speed become always to generate electricity to come;Is it become in different load performance characteristics under the terms always to generate electricity with one simulation load case simulation;Advantage of utilizing electromagnetic relay movements to be adjustable in voltage, we adopt several group voltage and owe voltage relay to get the result of it meets the demands to test the voltage of outputtinging;Control frequency converter and simulation work of load of starter , is it realize to come through the control of PLC, meanwhile, PLC still plays a role in controlling and supervising to the operation of the whole system.
Keywords::The vehicle generates electricity system; tests automatically; PLC; frequency conversion adjusts the speed
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1车辆发电总成的结构及其原理 1
1.2试验要求 2
1.2.1转速特性 2
1.2.2负载特性 2
1.2.3耐久特性 2
第2章 总体方案设计 3
2.1方案论证 3
2.1.1调速方案的论证 3
2.1.2控制部件的选择 9
2.1.3控制方案的论证 13
2.1.4电量测量方案的论证 14
2.2方案的确定 14
第3章 系统硬件部分设计 16
3.1模拟负载的选取 16
3.2变频电机及变频器的选择 16
3.2.1变频电机的选择 16
3.2.2变频器的选择 17
3.2.3变频调速系统的抗干扰措施 20
3.3 PLC选型及I/O口分配 20
3.3.1 PLC的选型 20
3.3.2 PLC I/O接口的分配 21
3.4继电器的选择 22
3.5接触器的选择 22
3.5.1 KM的选择 22
3.5.2 KM1-KM11的选择 23
3.6线路设计 23
3.7元器件明细表 24
第4章 系统软件部分设计 25
4.1系统工作原理 25
4.2顺序功能图 25
4.3系统工作梯形图 26
4.3.1转速特性 27
4.3.2负载特性 29
4.3.3耐久特性 30
参考文献 32
致 谢 33
附录 程序清单 34