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论文编号:ZD944    论文字数:14928,页数:27
 摘   要

关键词:虚拟仪器 虚拟示波器 USB 数据采集 LabVIEW

 The emergence and development of virtual instrument technology, represented by LabVIEW (NI),has brought about the revolution to traditional instrument and fast advancement in the instrument industry. LabVEIW(NI) is not only a virtual test instrument ,but also a peripheral of computer with the support of powerful software and hardware resources. Hence it is a technology that tightly combines the computer with test instrument.
 This dissertation presents a design of oscilloscope based on USB, that is used for the investigation of technology of embedded systems and virtual oscilloscope can perform not only the functions that a traditional oscilloscope can, but also some that cannot be realized by underlying hardware jointly with epistasis software. Especially, it can reduce the whole manufacture cost of the instrument significant. Major contribution of the dissertation is the proposal of a design of hardware at bottom layer of the virtual oscilloscope and the discussion on the associated epistasis software. This article discussed the virtual oscilloscope which are including upper PC signal processing, software panel dispalys, data acquisition and the function that through the USB to communicate with the lower machine。
 The first part of the paper introduces the basic situation of the present research;the second part talk about the virtual oscilloscope based on LabVIEW and it’s methods; the third part introduces the design of virtual oscilloscope in the lower PC;and then the fourth part gives the software design of the virtual oscilloscope in the upper PC; the fifth section discusses the virtual oscilloscope LabVIEW-based experiments and debugging. At last, it discusses to improve and perfect the system and gives a summary and outlook.

 Keywords:virtual insturment,virtual oseilloseope,data acquisition,LabVIEW,USB

摘要 4
英文摘要 5
第一章   绪论 6
1.1引言 6
1.2课题背景和意义 7
1.3国内外学术现状和动态 7
第二章   虚拟仪器与LabVIEW开发环境 10
2.1虚拟仪器概述 10
       2.1.1  虚拟仪器的概念………………………………………………….……………………10
       2.1.2  虚拟仪器的特点及优势………………………………………….……………………10
       2.1.3  虚拟仪器与传统仪器的比较…………………………………….……………………11
2.2 LabVIEW开发环境 12
       2.2.1  LabVIEW简介…………………………….…………………………………………..12
       2.2.2  LabVIEW的优点和应用……………………………………………………………....12
第三章   仪器硬件平台的设计与实现 14
3.1系统硬件组成及特点 14
3.2虚拟示波器的硬件体系 14
第四章   虚拟示波器的软件设计 16
 4.3 USB底层驱动程序设计………………………………………………………………………17
     4.5.1  虚拟示波器总程序流程图…………………………………………………………...21
     4.5.2  通道选择模块………………………………………………………………………...22
     4.5.3  增益调节模块………………………………………………………………….……..22
     4.5.4  偏置调节模块……………………………………………………………….………..22
     4.5.5  读取波形数据及波形显示模块….………………………………………….……….23
第五章   实验结果…………………………………………...…………………………………….24
第六章   总结与展望………………………………………………………………………...……26
致谢 28
参考文献 29

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