论文编号:ZD884 论文字数:16348,页数:43
摘 要
The design of the main control for dryer design process. When the dryer to work, dry air, renewable fans, conveyor motor, heater, heater renewable at the same time to start, when the sensors detect no feed hopper dryer, then start the transmission fan, PET dryer by inhalation, the beginning of drying, PET after one time after drying and regeneration of dry molding machine into the hopper.
The article focuses on the dryer system in accordance with the composition and working methods of hardware design of programmable controller hardware and software control method, also described in detail the software implementation of the programmable controller program, design programs and systems control process of the logic function. Programmable logic controller system to control the process, including drying fans, renewable fans, conveyors, etc. fan start or stop and their heaters, heater regeneration process chain; when the drying air temperature is higher than 165 ℃, fan overload , lack of material failure of the emergency system control and timely chain of sound and light alarm.
Keywords: programmable controllers, sensors, heaters, conveyors
目 录
摘 要 1
1 引言 3
2 系统设计方案和设计方案的论证 4
2.1 系统设计方案 4
2.1.1 系统工作过程 4
2.1.2 PLC机型选择 5
2.1.3 常用I/O模块的选择 6
2.1.4 PLC系统的配置 6
2.2 设计方案的论证 6
2. 3 结论 9
3 干燥控制系统 10
3.1 干燥器简介 10
3.2 PET简介 12
4 PLC系统硬件组成 14
5 软件实施方案 15
5.1 程序指令设计 15
5.2 系统软件操作 16
5.2.1 系统软件操作 16
5.2.2. 控制关键 16
6 软件设计方法及说明 17
6.1 运行指示灯的信号产生 17
6.2 加热器的投入和关闭 17
6.3 当传感器检测到料位不足的信号时 18
6.4 风机的停止 18
6.5 声光报警程序 18
6.6 温度显示程序 19
7 控制逻辑功能实现过程说明 20
7.1 程序设计流程图 20
7.2 控制逻辑功能实现过程说明 20
7.2.1 主程序 20
7.2.2 中断子程序 22
7.3 控制逻辑功能实现过程的结论 22
总结 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附 录1 干燥器主接线图 26
附 录2 PLC接线原理图 28
附 录3 干燥控制系统I/O表 36
附 录4 软件设计流程图 37
附 录5 PLC梯形图 38