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论文编号:ZD420  论文字数:21152,页数:58,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘要:随着视频监控迅速的发展,其应用范围得到不断地扩展。电力现场监测就是其中一例。电力现场监测对安全保证和提高管理效率具有重要意义,也是向实现无人管理,生产自动化迈进了一步。 本设计中最主要部分就是图像采集部分,由于采集到的是视频信号,必须进行数字化才能完成后继工作,因此选用了Philips公司的视频解码器SAA7111A作为视频信号数字化芯片。本文主要介绍了SAA7111A的性能和特征,对其进行初始化的I2C总线,及系统中所需的视频存储器(FIFO)也进行了描述。
关键字:监测系统  图像采集  SAA7111A  I2C总线  视频存储器(AL422B)
The design of image monitoring system for the electric scene
 Abstract:  With the fast development of video and monitoring technology, the range of its application is expanded. The electric scene monitoring is one of the examples. It is significant to safety of production and improve efficiency. The monitoring system is profit for manage and automation of production. The image capturing system is the most important part in this project. What has been gathered by the CCD is the analog signal, it cannot operate by the machine directly .So we selected video decoder SAA7111A of Philips Company as the digitized chip of the signal of the video. The performance and the character of the SAA7111A are mainly described in this paper, the I2C bus which is used to initialize and the necessary video memory (FIFO) has been also described in the system.

Key words: monitoring system  image capture  SAA7111A  I2C-bus  video memory (AL422B )

目   录
摘  要  Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1需求分析 1
1.2 系统总体构成 2
1.3课题的主要任务 3
第2章 SAA7111A在电力监测中的应用 3
2.1 概述 3
2.2  SAA7111A的内部结构和性能 3
 2.2.1主要特点 3
 2.2.2主要应用 5
 2.2.3 SAA7111A的结构原理 5
 2.2.4芯片应用连线图 9
 2.2.5管脚功能描述 10
 2.2.6各单元功能介绍 13   
 2.2.7时钟系统 18
 2.2.8 I2C总线描述 18
2.3  SAA7111A与锁存器74HC574的接口 21
第3章 I2C总线与视频采集芯片的初始化 23
3.1  I2C总线接口 23
 3.1.1  I2C总线系统中的几个术语 23
 3.1.2  I2C总线的结构 24
 3.1.3  I2C总线特性 24
 3.1.4  I2C总线的特点 25
 3.1.5  I2C总线的信号 25
 3.1.6  I2C总线上的数据传送格式 26
3.2  I2C总线控制 29
第4章 系统中视频存储器的设计 30
4.1视频存储器性能特点 30
 4.1.1概述 30
 4.1.2视频存储器的主要特点 31
 4.1.3视频存储器的应用 31
 4.1.4视频存储器的功能 32
 4.1.5视频存储器的操作法 33
 4.1.6视频存储器的时序图 34
4.2视频存储器在图像采集中的应用 36
结束语 38
参考文献 39
致  谢 40
附录 A 41
附录 B 42
附录 C 43

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