论文编号:ZD1029 论文字数:12213,页数:29
摘 要
根据杭州迪凯国际商务中心的定位,智能化建设应达到写字楼 "5A"水平。通过“5A”智能化系统在写字楼里的实施,入驻的企业可以将各类高科技产品与建筑有机集合,从而实现大厦水、电、空调等设备和消防、安保的监测和控制。同时,通过数据的高速通讯接入,使大厦内办公的企业能真正完成与世界各地的快速沟通和信息传输,实现企业的办公自动化,大大提高企业的办公效率和实现与世界接轨。
In the current increasingly competitive market situation, Intelligent Building has become more and more inevitable choice for high-end office projects Currently, Intelligent Building system represents the most advanced intelligent level office, mainly by the following components: OA (Office intelligent), BA (Building Automation), CA (communications transmission intelligent), FA (Fire Smart based), SA
(security intelligence).
According to the International Business Center, Hangzhou Dike positioning, intelligent office
building should meet the "5A" level. By "5A" intelligent system in the office in the implementation of the enterprise can be settled in various high technology products and building organic collection to achieve the building of water, electricity, air conditioned and other equipments and fire, security monitoring and control system. Meanwhile, high-speed data communication access to the corporate office buildings around the world can really complete the rapid communication and information transfer, the office of automation enterprise , greatly improve the efficiency and the achievement of corporate office in the world.
Keywords: intelligent ;Access ;Security ; network cabling
前言 1
1 门禁系统 2
1.1 设计指导思想 2
1.2 迪凯门禁系统组成 2
1.3门禁系统的设计 3
1.3.1 迪凯门禁系统管理主机 4
1.3.2 迪凯门禁控制器 4
1.3.3 迪凯大厦的门禁读卡器 5
1.3.4 内部局域网 6
1.3.5迪凯门禁系统的电锁 6
1.3.6 门禁系统管理软件 7
1.3.7 门禁出门按钮 7
1.4 深圳科松电子的一卡通系统所需产品清单及造价 7
2 综合布线系统 9
2.1系统概述 9
2.2系统总体要求 10
2.3 迪凯大厦网络布线分析 10
2.3.1 大楼机房分析 10
2.3.2 通信网络布线分析 11
2.3.3 计算机网络布线分析 11
2.4 迪凯网络布线系统的设计 11
2.4.1 工作区子系统的设计 12
2.4.2 水平子系统设计 13
2.4.3 垂直主干子系统的设计 13
2.4.4 管理子系统设计 16
2.4.5 设备子系统设计 20
2.4.6 综合布线布线设备管理及材料制作 21
2.5 综合布线系统实施要点 22
2.5.1 线缆及管线铺设 22
2.5.2 技术要点阐述 23
2.5.3 管理间电源配置 23
2.5.4 系统管路、桥架设计 23
2.5.5 测试与验收 24
3 结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27