论文编号:ZD407 论文字数:12237,页数:43,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,CAD图
关键词:电磁设计 结构设计 任务 继电保护
Low-pressure transformer and its after electricity protection design
Abstract:Transformer design include the electromagnetism compute to have something to do with construction designing, calculating mission in electromagnetism consisting in making sure the electromagnetism of the transformer carrying with main size, computing function data and weights, shape size etc., calculation result must satisfying standard provision in design with use the request of the section.The mission of the construction design is a pattern to makes selection every kind of construction piece, checking each parts of strengths, the special and important is a machine to guarantee to round a set insulating the strength with move the hot stability, and the heart of iron with fuel tank strength.At the same time at the request of make the manufacturing between the construction of the whole and the parts of zero match the original material in economy, process the convenient and easy to gearing with support to fix etc..For guaranteeing the transformer long-term the stability circulates, must give transformer gearing protection electric circuit, this will proceed to protect the choice between electric circuit and its a machine piece, namely for after give or get an electric shock the protection design.
Key phrase: The electromagnetism design construction designs
the mission to protect after the electricity
目 录
摘 要
绪 论 1
1.1 变压器的简单介绍 1
1.2变压器工作原理 2
1.3我国变压器发展现状 2
第1章 低压变压器设计 5
1.1设计任务 5
1.2电力变压器设计的一般步骤 5
1.3变压器的主要技术参数 5
第2章 低压变压器电磁计算 6
2.1设计任务书 6
2.2 主要电气数据的决定 6
2.3 主要尺寸的决定 7
2.4 低压线圈的计算 9
2.5 高压线圈的计算 12
2.6短路损耗的计算 17
2.7短路电压的计算 21
2.8铁心几何尺寸的最后的确定 23
2.9空载损耗的计算 25
2.10 空载电流的计算 26
2.11 油浸式变压器温升计算 27
第3章 低压变压器继电保护设计 31
3.1继电保护的功用 31
3.2继电保护装置原理 31
3.3 定时限过电流保护 32
3.3.1.定时限过电流保护装置 32
3.3.2过电流保护电路 33
结束语 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 37
附 录