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论文编号:ZD961    论文字数:13983,页数:35

关键字:函数信号发生器   发展趋势  功率放大   检波技术  幅值测量

 Function signal generator is the indispensable tool of a variety of tests and experiments, broadly applied at the electronics electric circuit, communication, measure, auto control system and teaching experiment etc. With the development of economy and technology, more and more design methods of function signal generator, more and more advanced design techniques.The corresponding testing instrument and test method is put forward higher request, so the
development of function signal generator is of great significance.
 Current function signal generator is used most by division of components reliability, big volume and low accuracy.This function signal generator adopts the microcontroller as control core,with the chip of AD9833 to produce waveform signal,the function signal generator is composed of the Signal disposal, the power amplifier circuit, the amplitude of measurement etc. The article on the function signal generator design methods are reviewed, introducing the development trend of the function signal generator, power amplifier circuit and detection technology,focuses on the system power amplifier module and amplitude measurement modules design is discussed and studied. This design has simple structure, compact structure, the output signal frequency stability, superior performance, etc.
Keywords:  Function signal generator; Development trend; Power amplifiers; Detection technology; Amplitude measurement


摘  要 Ⅰ
1  绪 论 1
 1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题意义 1
 1.3 本设计的主要内容 2
2  知识概述及工具介绍 3
 2.1 函数信号发生器 3
 2.1.1简介 3
 2.1.2发展状况 3
2.2 单片机 4
2.3 功率放大电路 4
 2.3.1概要 4
 2.3.2特点 4
 2.4 检波技术 5
 2.5 Protel 99SE工具 6
 2.5.1简介 6
 2.5.2 Protel 99 SE的系统组成 6
 2.5.3 Protel 99 SE的PCB设计流程 7
 3  方案设计及实现 8
 3.1  系统方案的设计 8
 3.1.1方法分析 8
 3.1.2方法确定 9
 3.1.3方案流程图 9
 3.2  功率放大电路模块 10
 3.2.1设计思路 10
 3.2.2放大器的方案分析 10
 3.2.3放大器的方案确认 13
 3.2.4 电源电路设计 13
 3.2.5放大电路的分析 15
 3.2.6放大电路方案确定 20
 3.2.7功率放大模块的实现 20
 3.3  幅值测量模块 21
 3.3.1 分析 21
 3.3.2  检波电路方案 22
 3.3.3  检波电路的实现 23
 3.4 功放和幅值模块的调试 24
 4  展望 27
 5  总 结 28
 致 谢 29
 参考文献 30

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