论文编号:ZD761 论文字数:19629,页数:40 ,有开题报告,任务书,外文翻译
摘 要
关键词 放射治疗、优化算法、BP前向神经网路、RBF径向基神经网络
The principle of radiotherpy treatment planning is that adequate coverage of the target in the treatment of soft-tissue sarcomas designed,and minimizing the harm on the normal tissue.However,this problem is disturbing the researchers of the regular radiotherpy treatment planning.More resonable plan is searching the best parameters from the prescription dose of surgeoncy.Many researcher make the treatment planning as a optimization problem.
Optimization is altering parameters through physical or geometry method, aquiring the best dose distribution on the target, meanwhile,minimizing the resource on the normal tissue.
Artifitial neural network is the research hot point for recent years. Because of its advantages of conduction together,omiting mistakes,self-organazation and self-thinking,it has been a tool to solve many problems.Also,it plays a important role in many complex problems.The optimization algorithm of neural network is using cooperating algorithm of neural network to complete the optimization,which combine the real problem with a training course of neural network.
This paper focuses on optimization algorithm of neural network,especially on BP neural network and RBF neural network .Researching the two methods are used in the optimization of radiotherpy treatment planning.
Key words: radiotherpy treatment planning,optimization algorithm,BP neural network,RBF neural network
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 放射治疗的概念与发展 1
1.1.1 放射治疗的发展历史 1
1.1.2 放射治疗概念及原理 2
1.1.3 放射治疗计划 4
1.2 神经网络 5
1.2.1 神经网络的发展与现状 5
1.2.2 生物神经元及生物神经网络 7
1 .2. 3 生物神经网络的模型化――人工神经网络 8
1.3 放射治疗优化方案 10
第2章 放射治疗系统的神经网络优化方案 11
2.1 BP神经网络的原理与介绍 11
2.2 RBF神经网络的原理与介绍 16
2.2 图形用户界面GUI的介绍 18
第3章 神经网络优化方案的算法实现 23
3.1 MATLAB神经网络工具箱 23
3.2 BP神经网络的算法实现 23
3.2.1 BP神经网络设计 23
3.2.2 BP神经网络训练结果 25
3.3 RBF神经网络的算法实现 27
3.3.1 RBF神经网络设计 27
3.3.2 RBF神经网络训练结果 28
3.4 BP与RBF神经网络的算法比较 30
3.5 基于GUI的算法实现 30
结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录1 37