论文编号:ZD449 论文字数:17456,页数:48,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,CAD图
摘 要:根据空调风扇电机的特点和所设计电机容量的大小,采用比较成熟的设计程序,在设计过程中选择合理的设计参数,控制影响电机工作性能的气隙磁密、气隙值、气隙磁场椭圆率的大小和选择合适的定转子铁心与端盖的配合、轴承与轴承及端盖轴承室的配合,以及合理的工艺、工装,是确保空调风扇电机良好的运行性能的关键。
关键词:空调风扇电机 单相电容运转 运行性能
Cabinet type air condition indoors electrical engineering YDK68-6 design
Abstract: According to the air condition fan the electrical engineering''s characteristics fitly settle to turn the son iron the heart with the match that carry the match, bearings and the bearings of the cover and carry to cover the bearings room of the craft, work with the choice with the size for spirit for design procedure for size for designing the electrical engineering capacity, adoption comparing the maturity, in the design process design of reasonable choice counting, control affecting electrical engineering working function , spirit worthly, oval rate of magnetic field of spirit of, and reasonable pack, and insure the air condition fan the electrical engineering the key of the good movement function.
The single responds the electric motor to have the construction simple, only need the power supply of single power supply, usage maintenance convenience etc. many advantage, because of but extensive application is in the industry, agriculture with the each realm of the people daily life.Revolve to respond the electric motor to have the higher power factor with the higher efficiency according to the single electric capacity that market require with to design out to satisfy the customer usage to request.From the analysis the principle of its movement commence, introduced the method of its design to request with craft and proceeds technique of the analysis contrast of the economic index sign.
Key words: Air condition fan electrical engineering、 The single electric capacity revolves、 Circulate the function
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪论
1.1 小功率电动机的发展情况 1
1.2 课题的目的、意义及主要内容 2
1.3 空调器的发展现状和前景展望 3
1.4 设计方案简述 4
第2章 单相异步电容运转电动机的原理和设计思路 6
2.1 单相异步电容运转电动机的原理 6
2.1.1 单相异步电容运转电动机的特点 6
2.1.2 单相异步电容运转电动机的工作原理 7
2.1.3 脉振磁势的分解和合成 8
2.1.4 椭圆形磁势 9
2.2 单相电动机设计思路 10
2.2.1 单相电机尺寸的确定 10
2.2.2 气隙长度的确定 10
2.2.3 定子、转子槽数的选择及配合 10
2.2.4 定转子冲片设计 11
2.2.5 定子绕组设计 12
2.2.6 齿谐波的消除方法 13
2.2.7 有效匝比和外接电容器的选择 13
2.2.8 减少电动机运行时噪音的一系列措施 14
第3章 单相异步电动机电磁计算程序 17
3.1 数据与技术要求 17
3.2 定、转子尺寸及其冲片设计 17
3.3 主绕组设计 19
3.4 主相参数计算 21
3.5 磁路计算 27
3.6 铁耗和机械风摩耗计算 30
3.7 副绕组设计 30
3.8 起动性能计算 31
3.9 运行性能计算 33
3.10 有效材料用量 37
第4章 结 论 39
结 束 语 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42
附录A:定子冲片 43
附录B:定子铁心 44
附录C:定子线圈展形图及接线原理图 45
附录D:转子冲片 46
附录E:转子组件 47
附录F:总装图 48