论文编号:ZD1068 论文字数:14300,页数:40
摘 要
As we know, people have lots of ways to measure the humidity in the ambient .However, it may be still one of the most famous and difficult problems in the world. Such is common methods of the measurement of humidity: dynamic, static, dew point, psychrometer and electronic sensor. This article is mainly about electronic sensor—capacitor sensor.
On the basis of domestic and foreign references, this paper does not only generally state the history and reality of Humidity measurement, but also introduce the tendency and direction of it. Integrated humidity sensor in the humidity measurement has become a trend .in this article we use the integrated humidity sensors to measure the humidity. When the environment changes in humidity, the output of the humidity sensors changes with it linearly, through signal detection and conversion circuit will change the resistance into the corresponding changes in voltage, In accordance with a specific voltage value displayed, the humidity can be known on the corresponding. Further more, this article also concepts the way to use variable capacitor instead of variable capacitance humidity sensor for humidity measurement.
Keywords:Capacitive humidity、Frequency Converters、Voltage conversion、Humidity Sensor
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一 绪论 1
1.1 湿度测量在现代社会的意义 1
1.2 湿度的定义 1
1.3 湿度测量的现况及其今后的发展方向与趋势 1
1.4 湿度测量方案的选择 2
1.5 湿度传感器的现状及发展趋势 3
1.6 湿度传感器选择的注意事项 5
二 湿度测量概述 7
2.1 湿度测量的基本理论简介 7
2.2 实验室湿度测量的特点 7
2.3 湿度测量的基本组成部分介绍 8
三 湿度测量总体方案设计 9
3.1 基本实现手段及使用设备 9
3.1.1 基本实现手段 9
3.1.2 使用设备 9
3.1.3 湿度测量的基本要求 9
3.1.4 湿度测量的基本实现过程 9
四 湿度测量的具体实施 10
4.1 所用器件介绍 10
4.1.1 LM358P芯片介绍 10
4.1.2 HIH4010(湿度传感器) 11
4.2 湿度测量的转换环节 15
4.3 测量电路完整原理图 19
4.4 整体检测 19
五 实验模板的制作 21
5.1 模板制作的初步设想 21
5.2 制作所用元件及工具 21
5.3 模板制作完成后的情况(见实物) 21
六 实验模板的调试 22
6.1 具体的操作过程 实验模板的调试 22
6.2 调试结果: 22
6.3 改进意见 22
七 用电容式湿度传感器进行湿度测量的构想 23
7.1 湿度测量的基本组成部分介绍 23
7.2 湿度测量总体方案设计 23
7.2.1 实现手段 23
7.2.2 使用设备 24
7.2.3 湿度测量的基本实现过程 24
八 结论 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附 录 28