论文编号:CK138 论文字数:15560,页数:38 附外文翻译
摘 要
Digital oscilloscope since the birth of the seventies last century, and their application is widespread and has become an essential tool for engineers to test one. With the electronic technology in recent years the development of a breakthrough, the world market is going to further expand the digital oscilloscope.
This paper introduces the design of simple digital storage oscilloscope''s basic theory, discussed the input and output, control modules, human-machine interface, as well as the relevance of the content module. Signal adjustment module to the high-speed low-noise analog switch (MAX4545) and broadband operational amplifier (MAX817) constitutes a programmable operational amplifier, the amplitude of the input signal range were dealing with different levels of zoom. Data acquisition module using programmable devices (EPM7128SLC84-15) to control high-speed A / D (TLC5510) of different frequency to the input signal, respectively, corresponding to the sampling rate sampling, the sampling data and dual-port RAM (IDT7132) in. Data output module using another chip programmable devices (EPM7128SLC84-15) control the two D / A (DAC0800), respectively, and the sawtooth wave output signal sampling in the oscilloscope to the X-Y display waveforms. AT89C52 single-chip control module to control the core of the coordination of the two programmable devices and the completion of other measurement, calculation and control functions.
Keywords: Digital oscilloscope;Man-machine interface;Programmable control device;sampling and Quantitative
目 录
摘要…. . .….. Ⅱ
Abstract.. Ⅲ目录.Ⅳ
1 引言……..1
1.1 数字存储示波器介绍………. …..1
1.2 研究内容……3
2 简易数字存储示波器总体方案的设计与论证……... .4
3.1 触发电路……7
3.2 输入电路……9
3.2.1 电路要求……..9
3.2.2 输入电路方案设计与论证.9
3.3 采样与存储控制电路的设计…..11
3.3.1 采样模块………11
3.3.2 存储控制电路…12
3.4 输出电路……16
3.5 显示模块……17
3.5.1 锯齿波形成电路:………19
3.5.2 双踪示波电路…20
4 主要元器件介绍..22
4.1 AT89C52简介22
4.2 TLC5510……..24
4.3 8255简介…..25
5 结果测试分析……27
5.4 系统软件……28
6 总结. …..31