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论文编号:ZD1007    论文字数:17542,页数:49



With modern technology and the increasingly higher living standards, people’s requirements of safe, comfortable, practical, convenient, and environmental protection for living has been increasing.
The design specifications for the relevant national guidelines to safe use of electricity, energy conservation as a guide, focus on improving people''s material and cultural life, embodies the well-off society and life of material well-being of the rich, the application of modern electric technology, the completion of the business living floor power distribution, and grounding lightning protection.
In the distribution design, according to load level, it determine the power supply and system solutions; the design of the chain to comb the wiring to ensure the reliability of power supply; use need to calculate load factor method, select the transformer and substation selection site, in accordance with the provisions of protection of electrical options, wires and cables, switch cabinets, etc., to achieve safe use of electricity and energy savings. Grounding the design of lightning protection, by flat steel structure and foundation phase, lightning protection, grounding the common grounding, not only ensures the safety ground, but also for save the grounding.

Keywords: computational load, transformer selection, short-circuit current, relay protection

摘要 II
Abstract III
1  绪论 1
2  设计原始材料 2
2.1  工程概况 2
2.2  负荷统计表 2
2.3  供用电协议 3
2.4  电力负荷的分类 3
2.5  负荷计算方法 5
2.5.1 需要系数法 5
2.5.2 二项式法 7
2.5.3 估算法 8
2.6  负荷计算方法的选择及其计算 8
3  变压器的选择 13
3.1  变压器型号选择 13
3.2  变压器台数和容量的确定 13
3.2.1 变压器台数选择原理 13
3.2.2 变压器型号选择 14
3.3  变压器容量选择 14
3.3.1变压器容量选择的基本原理 14
3.3.2 变压器容量的选择及补偿值 15
3.4  变压器功率损耗 17
3.5  电缆的功率损耗 18
4  变电所位置和形式的选择 20
4.1  概述 20
4.2  变电所的位置选择原则 22
4.3  小区变配电所的布置及结构方案 23
5  系统主接线方式 25
5.1  变电所主接线的要求 25
5.2  变电所常用主接线 25
6  短路电流计算 27
6.1  短路原因 27
6.2  短路的类型 27
6.3  短路的危害 28
6.4  短路电流计算的目的 28
6.5  短路电流计算 29
6.5.1 两台变压器分列运行情况下的短路电流 29
6.5.2 两台变压器并列运行情况下的短路电流 32
7  电气设备的选择 35
7.1  电气设备选择的一般原则 35
7.2  高压开关柜的型号选择 35
7.3  高压开关柜的选择与校验 36
7.4  低压电器选择的一般原则 36
7.4.1 低压开关柜的选择 36
7.4.2 380V低压开关柜的选择 36
7.4.3 380V低压开关柜设备的选择与校验 37
7.5  继电保护的任务 37
7.6  继电保护的基本原理 38
7.7  继电器保护装置的基本要求 39
8  防雷和接地装置的确定 41
8.1  概述 41
8.2  变电所防雷接地系统设计 41
9  总结 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
附录 44

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