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论文编号:ZD958    论文字数:17860,页数:57

摘   要

 AutoCAD 是美国Autodesk 公司研制的软件, 是目前微型计算机上应用最广泛的通用计算机辅助绘图和设计软件。但由于它是通用性的软件,用它进行智能绘图设计,要想完成某一具体对象的设计,就会显得较为复杂。因此, AutoCAD允许用户或第三方根据行业的绘图特点、绘图要求,把它开发成为能够满足设计师需要的基于AutoCAD的二次开发系统。根据不同领域绘图的特点,通过分析绘图时的功能和特点,抽象出不同的对象类,可以利用AutoCAD二次开发功能开发出以对象为绘图单元的制图软件。可以设想,如果把绘图中常用的构件分门别类地设计成绘图单元,设计者需要用时就可以直接绘制出相应的构件图形,一定会给设计者带来很大的方便。
   关键词:AutoCAD  VB  ActiveX Automation   二次开发

 AutoCAD is software developed by Autodesk Inc., an American company. It is the most widely used, aided drawing and design software now. However, it will be complicated for users to use it for intelligent graphic design to complete a specific object design because it is common software. Therefore, AutoCAD allows users develop it into the AutoCAD-based secondary development system, which meets the designer''s need and is adapted to the graphics features and graphics requirements. According to the characteristics of graphic design in different fields, various graphics units can be constructed by analyzing graphics functions and graphics features. Furthermore, a graphics software base on graphics units can be developed using the secondary Development function of AutoCAD. It can be envisaged that designers can directly draw the corresponding component graphics if the components often used are designed as graphics units on the basis of the categories, which will provide the designer a great deal of convenience.
 This thesis describes the development of building electricity graphics design software which is comprise of two main sections, basic graphics tools and specialized graphics tools. Since time is limited, only line, circle and polyline are developed in basic graphics tool, and only resistor and switch are developed in specialized graphics tool.
Keywords:   AutoCAD  VB  ActiveX Automation   the secondary development

目 录
摘  要.II
前  言1
1  AutoCAD.2
1.1  AutoCAD的简介.2
1.2  AutoCAD的特点.2
1.3  AutoCAD的功能3
1.4  AutoCAD的应用领域3
1.5  AutoCAD的画图技巧4
2  AutoCAD的二次开发6
    2.1  AutoCAD二次开发的背景与意义.6
    2.2  ActiveX  Automation技术概念.7
    2.3  ActiveX  Automation 的使用方法9
3  基于VB进行AutoCAD制图软件的开发14
 3.1  VB开发AutoCAD基本框架的建立14
 3.2  基础绘图工具的开发.16
 3.3  专业工具的开发 32
     3.3.1  电阻的绘制. 32
     3.3.2  开关的绘制36
4  软件的形成.39
5  总结与展望41
致  谢42
附   录. .  .44

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