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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD747    论文字数:9377,页数:21

关键词:电力电缆  检测  故障  诊断

 Power cable running process, is bound to occur insulation aging, or even insulation breakdown, caused by sudden power lines power outages. Insulating nature of the aging of material properties are irreversible changes in the factors that affect the aging generally involve heat, electricity, machinery and environment. And introduce commonly used cable fault testing methods. Take the cable-line monitoring of temperature, many measurement points along the cable between the distribution of wireless networking, system-wide United many points of data analysis and calculation cable insulation situation, the Composite insulation to reduce leakage or to determine the circumstances and location of the point of failure has many advantages. Access to test equipment do not need to disconnect any circuit at the scene and contact, nor does it affect the operation of the transmission cable network; the increase in test point selection usually cable connector, and that only when connected to monitor, when something bad happens is still disconnected, do not change the original system operating environment and operational performance; for long cables along the cable lines can increase the number of measuring points, so that the point of failure and more accurate search. This paper mainly introduces C8051 single-chip based on cable online detection equipment, test items include cables pass, short, and the cable connector off temperature, etc. Finally, the paper summed up the future Prospect of the study. Hope for the power system safe, convenient and rapid detection of cable condition and environment, the temperature information to provide a favorable basis for the theory and practice.
Keywords: Power cable     Detected      Fault     Diagnosis


引言: 1
1 前沿-电缆故障的现状与特点 2
2 电缆故障在线监测方法及比较 2
2.1 直流叠加法 2
2.2 直流成分法 3
2.3 局部放电法 3
2.4 低频重叠法 3
3 基于单片机的电力电缆故障在线监测的原理 3
3.1 断路测试 3
3.2 断路点测试 3
4 基于单片机的电力电缆故障在线监测系统的组成 3
        4.0 微处理器电路3
4.1 硬件系统 3
4.2 软件系统 4
5 数据分析 5
5.1 电缆在线绝缘信息分析 5
5.2 电缆运行绝缘故障信息分析 5
6结论 5
参考文献: 5

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