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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD459  论文字数:34395,页数:66,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

Study on None Speed Sensor Direct Torque Control
System Based On DSP
Abstract:Namely along with the rapid development of power electronics technology,computer technology and automatic control technology,the electric transmission technology is being faced with a history revolution,it has become development trend that AC transferring speed replaces direct current speed and computer digital control technology replaces the simulating control technology . Frequency conversion is generally acknowledged by the home and abroad that it has a great future with excellent speed ,extensive scope of application and other many merits. Based on an overall review of related papers published at home and abroad, this dissertation is devoted to the control strategies and implementation of the fully digital AC motor drive system, including the design of control system hardware and software and intelligent control.
 In this thesis, none speed sensor DTC system is studied, which based on DSP of TI inc.-TMS320F2407. Fundamental principle and implementation method of DTC are introduced in detail in this paper. In DTC system, the concept of space vector is introduced to analyze and control the AC motor, the electromagnetic torque and flux are calculated and controlled in the stator reference frame, and the optimal PWM gating signals are generated to control the inverter according to the output of the Bang-Bang regulator In this paper the DTC system is designed based on DSP.A speed estimation method is derived detail and the no a speed close-loop control is conducted. In this system, there are some problems, such as flux drift and torque ripple. To resolve these problem, a modified flux calculation method and some measures such as speed LPF, torque slide filtering are adopted. The system performance is enhanced by these method.
 The system control software is designed in assemble language based on the hardware fundament with using TMS320F2407 as core and no a speed sensor DTC algorithm is realized. The experimental results indicate that the design of this system is successful. The system has stable performance with fast response, so to some extent it is a practical useful system. 
Key Words:direct torque control; none- speed- sensor;digital signal processor;
speed estimate 

目   录
摘  要  Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2异步电机调速系统的发展概况 1
 1.2.1电力电子器件的发展 2
 1.2.2微处理器的发展 2
 1.2.3控制策略的发展 4
1.3本课题的主要研究工作 5
第2章 异步电动机的数学模型 6
2.1异步电动机模型分析的数学基础 6
 2.1.1坐标变换的原则和基本思想 6
 2.1.2三相/二相变换 7
 2.1.3二相/二相旋转变换 7
 2.1.4三相静止坐标系/任意二相旋转坐标系的变换 7
2.2异步电动机的动态数学模型 8
 2.2.1异步电动机在三相静止坐标系上的数学模型 8
 2.2.2异步电动机在任意二相旋转坐标系上的数学模型 9
 2.2.3异步电动机在二相静止坐标系上的数学模型 10
 2.2.4异步电机的电磁转矩模型 11
 2.2.5步电动机的磁链模型 11
第3章 直接转矩控制的基本原理及方法 14
3.1直接转矩控制概述 14
 3.1.1直接转矩控制技术的产生 14
 3.1.2直接转矩控制的主要特点 14
3.2直接转矩控制(DSC)的基本思想 15
3.3直接转矩控制基本概念 16
 3.3.1逆变器的数学模型和空间电压矢量 16
 3.3.2磁通控制原理 18
 3.3.3转矩控制原理 19
3.4直接转矩基本控制系统的构成 20
3.5改正的直接转矩近似圆形磁链控制系统的实现 21
 3.5.1圆形磁链控制系统的构成 22
第4章 无速度传感器控制技术的研究 29
4.1概述 29
4.2 MRAS速度辨识原理 30
4.3转差速度估计器 32
 4.3.1转差速度直接计算法 32
 4.3.2直接计算法存在的问题分析 33
 4.3.3转子磁链计算方法的改进 34
第5章 系统电路设计与实现 36
5.1系统的线路结构 36
5.2 DSP控制器 37
5.3系统主电路的设计 40
5.4系统逆变电路的设计 41
 5.4.1驱动电源的设计 42
 5.4.2驱动控制电路的设计 42
 5.5系统保护电路的设计 43
 5.5.1 IPM故障保护电路 43
 5.5.2过流保护电路 44
5.6信号采样电路的设计 44
 5.6.1电流采样电路 44
 5.6.2电压采样电路 45
第6章 系统的软件设计和实现 46
 6.1系统控制软件总体结构 46
 6.2定时器1中断服务模块 47
 6.2.1 A/D转换 48
 6.2.2定子磁链运行区间的判断 50
 6.2.3控制矢量输出 51
 6.2.4改进方法 52
 6.3定时器2中断服务模块 53
 6.3.1数字PI控制器 54
 6.3.2数字PI调节器的具体实现 54
 6.4故障中断服务模块 56
结束语 57
参考文献 59
致谢 60

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