论文编号:ZD1020 论文字数:14954,页数:45
摘 要
关键词: GSM,单片机,短消息,报警
This paper describes the purpose and Significance of studying the design and The possible use of the occasion of this system. Introduce GSM Network Architecture and the characteristics of GSM short message. Discussed the characteristics and performance of the GSM module what the system used,design the Peripheral circuits of system. Analysis the PDU short message code and how use the client application of the AT command to control send short messages.Design and implement the function of Control client, Completed the structural design and function to achieve of the whole system. Carried out the programming and circuit design.Finally, Introduce the the value of promote and Application prospects.
This design is based on the wireless communicate system of GSM module single-chip system and annunciator circuit,GSM module single-chip annunciator circuit antenna power module make up of the wireless communicate system.This sytem study how to link GSM module single-chip system and annunciator circuit,use short message and alarm to achivev wireless communicate and alarm.The step of the system is that,if the switch close,system will send a short message to the objective mobilephone,then the LED light, the relay closed,in this way the system complete alarm and wirelsee communicate.if the system make some changes,the system will applcate comprehensively in insurance aqainst theft and Industrial Control Etc.
Keywords: GSM, single-chip, short message, alarm
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 前 言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 GSM概况 2
1.3 论文主要研究的内容与意义 2
2 GSM系统及其技术 3
2.1 GSM系统的特点 3
2.2 GSM系统的体系结构 4
2.3 GSM的信道 6
3 无线通信系统的硬件设计 7
3.1 系统总体结构 7
3.2 GSM无线通信模块的设计 8
3.2.1 西门子TC35i的性能特点 8
3.2.2 基于TC35i的无线通信电路设计 9
3.3无线通信系统电源电路的设计 11
3.4无线终端报警系统的设计 12
4 无线通信系统的软件设计 14
4.1 GSM软件协议 14
4.1.1 AT指令的简介与使用 14
4.1.2 PDU短消息编码 15
4.2 通信系统软件流程设计 17
4.3 软件设计思想 18
5 无线通信系统调试 19
5.1 TC35i与电脑调试 19
5.2 TC35i与串口调试工具调试。 20
5.3 单片机与TC35i调试 21
5.4 调试中的问题 22
6 总 结 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
附录1 系统硬件原理图 26
附录2 系统软件程序 30